Paper Summary

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Revisiting Youth Resistance: Insights From Brazilian Youth Movements

Thu, April 8, 12:00 to 1:00pm EDT (12:00 to 1:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice Roundtable Sessions


Critical youth studies centers research and theories of youth resistance (Solórzano & Delgado-Bernal 2001; Akom, Cammarota, Ginwright 2008; Krishner 2008; Ginwright, Noguera, Cammarota 2006; Fine & Cammarota 2008; Tuck & Yang 2013). Contemporary configurations of youth movements in the U.S. and globally raise new empirical and theoretical questions. A prominent set of youth movements rose in Brazil in the past decade, and I argue these movements can draw from and also expand understandings of youth resistance. I present findings from ethnographic fieldwork on Brazilian youth movements and discuss how they: inspire rethinking geographies of youth resistance with U.S., transnational, and digital dimensions; recenter youth as critical educator-activists; and illustrate how youth navigate multiple political, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, and feminist struggles.
