Paper Summary

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The Relationship Between Perceived Parenting Style And Social Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Children and Youth in Mainland China

Mon, April 12, 9:30 to 11:00am EDT (9:30 to 11:00am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Adolescence and Youth Development Paper and Symposium Sessions


Previous studies about the association between parenting style and social anxiety have inconsistent results. A meta-analytic approach was used to explore the association between parenting style and social anxiety in Chinese children and youth. The meta-analysis was based on 46 studies and 48 independent samples, with a total of 21,094 Chinese mainland students. Separate analyses were conducted for positive parenting style and social anxiety, and negative parenting style and social anxiety. Overall, there were a small negative association between positive parenting style and child social anxiety, and a small positive association between negative parenting style and child social anxiety. The moderator analysis provides some insights about the association between parenting style and child social anxiety.
