Paper Summary

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Un/masking Mascar(a/illa)s: Dreadful Engagements With Media, Identity, and (Sous/Sur)veillance

Thu, April 8, 12:00 to 1:00pm EDT (12:00 to 1:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies Roundtable Sessions


The paper details an us-ing, a perpetually-becoming ontological/theoretical concept inviting us/ourselves/each other into a lively packets of relations to articulate our process of becoming-with a television show, Penny Dreadful: City of Angeles. Such a becoming-with allowed us to entangle the content, our contemporary contexts, and our own relational intra-/interactions “as a way to produce newness,” specifically a inquiry/material-entanglement we are calling Mascar(a/illa)s/mask(ing)s. Towards these ends, we created actual masks to materially think with our entanglements, produce new ones, and create concepts. Within the us-ing/material-entanglement that is the mask, we engage with materials like descriptions of particular scenes/characters that present rich case(s), quotations from the show, historical documents related to the setting, contemporary headlines and news, personal thoughts/questions, and theoretical concepts.
