Paper Summary

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Examining the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Status on School Victimization in Predominantly Hispanic/Latino Schools

Mon, April 12, 2:50 to 3:50pm EDT (2:50 to 3:50pm EDT), Division E, Division E - Section 1 Poster Sessions


This study examined the interactive influences of race/ethnicity and immigrant status on students’ school victimization experiences in predominantly Hispanic/Latino high schools. Participants included 3,176 students from four high schools in central California. Results suggested that, after controlling for students’ gender, grade, parent educational level, and status for receiving free and reduced-price meals, Hispanic/Latino students reported lower levels of school victimization than non-Hispanic/Latino students. There was a significant interaction between students’ race/ethnicity and immigrant status, with US-born non-Hispanic/Latino students reporting the highest level of school victimization and immigrant non-Hispanic/Latino students reporting the lowest level. Findings highlight the importance of understanding context-specific group dynamics, and the intersection of multiple identities to inform school violence prevention and intervention in diverse school settings.
