Paper Summary

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Taking the First Step: The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation's Responsibility in Recognizing and Disrupting Bias in Accreditation Reviews

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Accreditation, Assessment, and Program Evaluation in Education Preparation Paper and Symposium Sessions


The challenges we face in trusting our intuition have been popularized by texts such as “Thinking fast and slow” (Kahneman, 2011) and “blink” (Gladwell, 2005). These authors walk readers through the exhaustive research on pros and cons of the two different systems we use to process information from our environment. Given this, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) developed online modules for participants to identify their own biases and describe how they would disrupt those as part of accreditation reviews. This presentation will explore the theoretical framework with which they were developed, the modules themselves, and participant feedback. As an organization, CAEP is taking responsibility for their role in disrupting bias in all of their work.
