Paper Summary

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An Investigation of Response Time and Response Behavior on PISA Science Assessment

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), Division D, Division D - Section 1 Paper and Symposium Sessions


Response Time (RT) data provides valuable information in psychometric research. This paper uses RT data to investigate response behavior using PISA 2015 assessment. For low-stakes assessments, engagement and effort issue is prevalent among test takers because those assessments are aiming to provide aggregated level information to entities rather than individual test takers. Focusing on rapid-guessing behavior, this paper, using Response Time Effort (RTE) and Response Time Fidelity (RTF) measures, found that for the same cluster of science items, the effort received by those items differ when appearing before or after other domain items, that is, for those science items, they received more effort when appearing after reading/math items than appearing before reading/math items.
