Paper Summary

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Exploring the Complexity of Chinese English Learners' Multiple Goals and Multiple Reasons: Logistic Regressions for Predicting Multiple-Goal Profiles

Sat, April 10, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Motivation in Education Poster Sessions


A goal complex approach suggests that, to understand students’ motivation, researchers need to explore both reasons and goals to fully understand students’ motivational engagement. We investigated multiple reasons for students’ multiple goals within the context of learning English in China. First, our cluster analysis with 270 students revealed four groups based on students’ ratings of achievement goals (mastery/performance approach/avoidance), labeled: Modal, Moderate Mastery, Ideal, and Goal Conflict. We then used predictor variables (hope-for-success, fear-of-failure, pride/shame with respect to normative comparisons of achievement scores, and SDT motivational regulations) to predict group membership using logistic regressions. Each group revealed unique patterns of predictors.
