Paper Summary

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Coping With Stress in the Classroom

Fri, April 9, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Stress, Coping, and Resilience Roundtable Sessions


Research indicates that one in 20 children will lose a parent by the age of 16, and almost all children experience the death of a close family member or friend by the end of high school. Yet, only 1% of teachers surveyed received bereavement training as part of their coursework in college or graduate school. This has major implications for learning, as grief can mean academic, behavioral, and social issues (Stylianou & Zembylas, 2018, p. 241). Using qualitative research methodology, this study, conducted by an undergraduate scholar, explores how educators can support grieving children in their classrooms. Implications relate to educator perceptions, classroom practices, and recommendations for additional research.
