Paper Summary

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High School Teachers: Classroom Management and Teacher Well-Being

Thu, April 8, 1:00 to 2:00pm EDT (1:00 to 2:00pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Classroom Management Roundtable Sessions


This study interviewed 87 teachers from four high schools in a single district with approximately 2,200 students with similar student demographics at each school (approximately 50% Latino and 50% White). The focus of this project was to examine teacher wellbeing by analyzing responses from in-person interviews with high school teachers at various school sites, and its influence on classroom behavior. Teacher wellbeing has been researched for over a decade (Renshaw, Long & Cooke, 2015), however, most has been conducted utilizing quantitative research methods - most commonly, the use of self-reported measures such as surveys and questionnaires. Little research has qualitatively examined secondary teachers’ sense of wellbeing.
