Paper Summary

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Mapping the Trajectories of Teachers' Perceptions and Practices of Leadership Development

Fri, April 9, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 2 Poster Sessions


Using a career life history approach, this study aimed to describe the trajectories of teacher leadership development by investigating teachers’ perceptions and practices of leadership at different stages in their careers. Four primary school teachers in China participated in this study. Data were collected through narrative-style semi-structured interviews, storylines and observations. The results revealed three trajectories of teacher leadership development, namely perception-driven, bumpy and practice-driven. The changes in the teachers’ leadership perceptions and leadership practices were interacted through reflection, which further shape their trajectories of leadership development.
Keywords: teacher leadership development, teacher leadership perception, teacher leadership practice, career life history
