Paper Summary

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Crossing Borders: The Perspectives of Transnational Students in Oregon High Schools

Sat, April 10, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Latina/o/x Research Issues Roundtable Sessions


The academic achievement of Latinx students has been well documented, as have the types of programs that serve their academic needs. However, their social and educational experiences – especially in adolescence – are little understood. The goal of our study, therefore, is to share the perspectives of young Latinx people who identify as transnational or individuals whose language, culture, or customs may transcend national lines. Specifically, we conducted an online survey at Northwest University event aimed at Latinx high school students called Raices Unidas. The collected lived experiences or testimonios of these Latinx high school students will shed light on how their Latinx identities influence their social and educational experiences in a majority white (86.7%) state like Oregon(US Census 2020).
