Paper Summary

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Exploring Novice and Career Teacher Efficacy Changes After a Neuroeducation Professional Learning Series

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 8 Paper and Symposium Sessions


This study investigated the effects of an innovative professional learning series on neuroeducation knowledge and instructional strategies for three cohorts of in-service teachers in a mid-Atlantic city. The professional learning (PL) program utilized an established neuroeducation framework to provide teachers with research from the learning sciences and help teacher translate this research to pedagogical practices intended to improve the emotional climate, increase student attention and memory, and foster creative application of knowledge and problem solving. Teacher efficacy beliefs, a teacher’s assessment of instructional abilities and skills, was measured pre and post the PL program. Findings revealed increases in novice teachers’ efficacy beliefs and mixed findings for career teachers.
