Paper Summary

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Instructors' Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices in Blended Courses

Mon, April 12, 11:10am to 12:10pm EDT (11:10am to 12:10pm EDT), Division J, Division J - Section 4 Poster Sessions


Using a socio-constructive framework and drawing from Fishbein and Ajzen’s belief and attitude theory, this study explores the relationship between instructors’ epistemological beliefs (around the nature of knowledge), their pedagogical beliefs (around conceptions of teaching and learning), and their technology attitudes to their blended practices. The survey with 70 instructors teaching blended courses in a University in Southwestern Canada was conducted using an online survey platform Qualtrics. Semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with 24 instructors followed by one or four classroom observations per course. The interviews’ audio will be recorded, and the classroom observations will be documented in the form of hand-written notes. This mixed method study will offer guidance to instructors, developers and policy holders.
