Paper Summary

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Developing a New Lens: Ethnographic Case Study of the Evolvement of a Culturally Responsive Leader

Sun, April 11, 2:30 to 4:00pm EDT (2:30 to 4:00pm EDT), Division A, Division A - Section 1 Paper and Symposium Sessions


This case study explores the evolvement of a teacher and aspiring leader. Ms. Smith is a current teacher in the Detroit school system and participant in an Aspiring Leaders Program, a university-sponsored partnership. Learning about leadership theories (Bell, 1997, Lanson-Billings & Tate, 2006; Khalifa et al., 2016; Theoharis, 2009, Shields 2011) to undergird her practice, she begins a process of self-reflection and conceptualizations of her own deficit thinking and biases. Through this journey she analyzes her district’s current practices and culturally responsive leadership during a global pandemic, COVID-19.
