Paper Summary

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A Spatial Examination of the Pre-K-to-Kindergarten Transition

Fri, April 9, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), Division H, Division H - Section 3 Poster Sessions


The spatial element of students’ movement from pre-k to kindergarten is an important aspect of this transition that is often overlooked. This paper examines the transition from pre-k to kindergarten for students who attended kindergarten in a Southeast metro school district as a part of the Atlanta 323 project. Students’ kindergarten test scores were compared for students who transitioned from pre-k sites within the partner district and students who transitioned from one of three major private pre-k provider partners. Also considered is the physical distance between students’ pre-k and kindergarten sites. This work deepens the understanding of the first transition between schools many students make.
