Paper Summary

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A Longitudinal Developmentally Intentional Leadership Institute for Teacher Leaders

Thu, April 8, 2:00 to 3:00pm EDT (2:00 to 3:00pm EDT), Division K, Division K - Section 2 Roundtable Sessions


This paper presents the experience of 13 teachers who completed a district sponsored, job embedded, developmentally intentional leadership institute (DILI) and sought to learn how, if at all, the DILI helped them learn and apply leadership skills. Utilizing 34 hours of interview data from the teachers and administrators who participated in the DILI and a survey of 67 teachers across the district I highlight how the 13 teachers’ experience supported the assumption of new leadership responsibilities which positively influenced the district. I discuss implications for teacher leadership preparation that is relevant as schools address the demands of distance learning and social justice. My research concludes that an administrator supported, job-embedded, longitudinal developmental approach is critical to teacher leadership.
