Session Summary

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Identity, Motivation, and Situated Action in Educational Contexts

Mon, April 12, 11:10am to 12:40pm EDT (11:10am to 12:40pm EDT), SIG Sessions, SIG-Motivation in Education Paper and Symposium Sessions

Session Type: Symposium


Whereas motivation research has contributed to identifying general associations between motivational constructs and patterns of action, little research has investigated the motivational underpinnings of individuals’ specific actions in particular situations. This session will include (1) an introduction to the importance of focusing on motivation for situated action; (2) four presentations of studies that investigated the motivational processes underlying individuals’ situated action in educational contexts using a complex dynamic systems model of role identity and motivation; (3) a critical discussion on motivational research that focuses on situated action; and (4) a facilitated audience conversation about the implications of focusing on situated action for motivational theory, research, and educational practice.

Sub Unit


