Paper Summary

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Relationship Quality in Higher Education and the Interplay With Student Engagement and Loyalty

Thu, April 21, 11:30am to 1:00pm PDT (11:30am to 1:00pm PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


The present study aimed to examine relationship quality 1) to determine patterns among relationship quality dimensions: trust in honesty, trust in benevolence, satisfaction, affective commitment, and affective conflict, and, 2) to indicate a cause-effect relation between relationship quality dimensions and students' involvement in terms of student engagement, and student loyalty. In total, 1649 students' responses from three Dutch universities of applied sciences were analyzed by a crossed lagged panel design. The findings imply that within the relationship quality construct it is trust in honesty and benevolence that form the basis and result in affective dimensions. Educational faculty and staff should focus on relationship quality aspects to build and maintain (positive) relationships such as in their guidance and feedback.
