Paper Summary

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Keeping the Other Distant: Preservice Teachers' Framing of World History Discussions

Mon, April 25, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


This qualitative multi-case study aims to better understand the types of discussions facilitated by three pre-service world history teachers, and the broader narratives about the world that such discussions communicate. Data include observations of participants’ discussions, decision memos written by the participants while reflecting on their discussion facilitation, and three semi-structured interviews. Participants’ framed discussions in ways that favored dominant global narratives, though this tendency was unacknowledged in interviews or when reflecting while writing decision memos. By unconsciously relying on dominant narratives, observed discussions position global issues firmly in the past and far from students’ lived experiences. This study provides the literature with a much-needed empirical examination of discussions about world history and offers implications for teacher educators.
