Paper Summary

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Using PhotoVoice to Engage Students in Discussions About Self-Identity, Urban Schools, and Communities

Sat, April 23, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 3rd Level, Seaport Tower, Cortez Hill C


Teachers tend to teach through the lens that makes sense in their own cultural worlds, sometimes missing important features of students' of color experiences (Howard, 2010; Milner 2010). As Black professors teaching mostly white preservice teachers, we recognize the need to effectively prepare them to teach students of color in urban schools. This involves engaging white preservice teachers in difficult discussions, in which they may shy away from the conversation or learn to say the right things to avoid conflict. To address this challenge, we use photovoice as a tool in our courses to gain authentic reflections from our preservice teachers about their identity, students of color, urban communities and schools to prepare them to teach in urban schools.
