Paper Summary

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Guiding Emotions in Developing Equity-Driven School Leaders: A Pedagogy of Discomfort Toward Critical Hope

Mon, April 25, 11:30am to 1:00pm PDT (11:30am to 1:00pm PDT), Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 2nd Level, Seaport Tower, Balboa A


Although scholarship on school leadership advocating for social justice, equity, and culturally responsiveness has recently emerged, relatively little work has explored pedagogical frameworks to guide their implementation in leadership preparation programs. Social justice, equity, and culturally responsive leadership work instigate a vast range of emotions, yet little is known about guiding adult learners to navigate these emotions toward developing equity-oriented leaders. By building on a pedagogy of discomfort toward critical hope, this paper aims to create a pedagogical intervention framework that could guide emotional discomfort for transformative changes. This paper contributes to bridging theory of pedagogy and practice in leadership preparation programs cultivating educators to navigate “negative” emotions towards social justice and equity.
