Paper Summary

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New Methodological Approach to Research Moral Development of High School Students

Sat, April 23, 4:15 to 5:45pm PDT (4:15 to 5:45pm PDT), SIG Virtual Rooms, SIG-Moral Development and Education Virtual Roundtable Session Room


The problem is moral development of High School students. Adolescents are building their personality to become a moral person. Hypothesis is the possibility of being a moral person through the practice of virtues. Methodological approach is original and offers researcher deep understanding because of the necessary ethical intervention. It is Action-Research Sucupira-Lins (2015) Method of Greater Commitment. We have selected the virtues Friendship, Justice, and Perseverance to be observed. Theoretical foundations are the philosophers Aristotle (2007, 4th century b. C.), MacIntyre (2001), Sucupira Lins (2014, 2009). Data show that this adolescent had improved the moral life. We can conclude that it is necessary to provide students with the opportunity to experience virtues, so that they can freely become moral persons.
