Paper Summary

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Developing Writing Proficiency Through Goal-Setting and Automated Feedback (Poster 17)

Sat, April 23, 2:30 to 4:00pm PDT (2:30 to 4:00pm PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion


This study presents results from a pilot intervention that integrated self-regulation through reflection and goal setting with automated writing evaluation (AWE) technology. Students in Grades 5–8 (N = 57) from one urban, all female, public-charter middle school completed pretest and posttest measures of writing beliefs and writing performance. In between pretest and posttest, students completed monthly goal-setting activities via a Qualtrics survey and monthly persuasive writing practice via prompts completed within an AWE system called MI Write. Results indicated that students improved their writing self-regulation, self-efficacy for writing self-regulation, and writing performance. Moreover, students perceived the intervention to be usable, useful, and desirable. Overall, results indicate the promise of the intervention for improving students’ writing self-regulation, self-efficacy, and performance.
