Paper Summary

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Creating a Third Space With Latina Undergraduates Through Platicando

Fri, April 22, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Floor: North Tower, Ground Level, Pacific Ballroom 17


Drawing from 59 platicas with Latina undergraduates at an emerging Hispanic Serving Institution, this paper theorizes the connections between platicas methodology in cultivating a third space for Chicana/Latina undergraduate collaborators and Chicana/Latina researchers in the higher education context and in higher education scholarship. This paper considers how third space, a liminal space of disidentification and resistance that Chicana/Latinas embody in higher education, can theoretically support an understanding of the impact of platicas methodologies in the lives of Chicanas/Latinas in the academy. Secondly, this paper highlights particular ways in which platicas contribute to building a collective third space for Chicana/Latina platicantes, presenting the methodological and pedagogical contributions of this research.
