Paper Summary

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Disability Studies in Special Education Teacher Preparation: An Autoethnography of Course Development

Sat, April 23, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Exhibit Hall B


Disability studies is an interdisciplinary approach to theorizing, researching, and understanding disability often from an emancipatory framework. Special education and disability studies emerged and evolved as distinct fields, however, special education can benefit from incorporating ideas from disability studies as a means to cultivate equitable educational systems. This autoethnography explores how disability studies affected the development of one course, Introduction to Autism and Severe Disabilities, which is part of a specialized, Master’s level teaching certificate. The autoethnography focuses on how language and terminology, as well as a disability studies informed syllabus and course structure, could be used to help students understand the socially constructed nature of disability and schools can create disabling conditions for people with impairments.
