Paper Summary

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University-Supported Teacher-Led Action Research With a Community of Secondary STEM Master Teachers

Fri, April 22, 8:00 to 9:30am PDT (8:00 to 9:30am PDT), SIG Virtual Rooms, SIG-School, University, Community Collaborative Research Virtual Roundtable Session Room


This paper describes the components needed for effective professional learning among a group of 19 secondary STEM master teachers from three Title 1 districts. We investigated the question: How does a collaborative partnership between university and high school educators inform and impact their practices to improve and enhance equitable math and science education at the secondary level? The university professors, in collaboration with teachers, co-created a pedagogical framework focused on four key areas: math and science standards (NGSS/CCSSM), yearly cycles of action research, culturally responsive teaching, and leadership capacity. In this presentation we share ways this collaborative program has been effective for both professors’ and teachers’ growth in teaching by building community and providing opportunities for research and reflection.
