Session Summary

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Equitable, Indifferent, or Unjust? College Access and Ascendance via Sport

Sat, April 23, 2:30 to 4:00pm PDT (2:30 to 4:00pm PDT), Manchester Grand Hyatt, Floor: 3rd Level, Harbor Tower, Promenade AB

Session Type: Symposium


Operation Varsity Blues (OVB)—the largest admission scandal in US history—charged Rick Singer and his clients with corrupting athletic recruitment (Smith 2019). By marking Singer’s actions as illegal, the prosecutors demarcated all other actions in athletic admissions as fair, transparent, and objective (Hextrum, 2019b). Current caselaw permits universities to set aside admission slots with different evaluation criteria for college athletes. This symposium will feature scholars and practitioners who have studied and/or currently work within athletic admissions to situate OVB within the historical, social, economic, and cultural contexts of college access. We will consider whether legal athletic admissions practices provide fair routes to college via sport and discuss necessary changes to ensure equitable educational access in the 21st century.

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