Session Summary

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How Can the Science of Human Learning and Development Inform Preparing Students to Engage in Civic Reasoning?

Fri, April 22, 2:30 to 4:00pm PDT (2:30 to 4:00pm PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Ballroom 6D

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


This symposium draws from two recent syntheses: Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse (Lee, White & Dong, 2020) by the National Academy of Education and The Handbook on the Cultural Foundations of Learning (Nasir et al, 2020). The presentations synthesize from these two publications, but also extend the findings to address the conceptual, systemic, and ecological tasks that must unfold if we are to transform the opportunities for our young people to prepare for the complex and consequential challenges of sustaining our democracy, including the special role education – broadly defined – plays in such transformation. It addresses recent contestations over how schools address the country’s complex history and how these dilemmas must be addressed in all content areas across the K-12 sector.

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