Paper Summary

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Social Science Funding Agencies' Promotion of Knowledge Mobilization and Research Impact: An International Longitudinal Study

Thu, April 13, 9:50 to 11:20am CDT (9:50 to 11:20am CDT), Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V


Researchers are under increasing pressure to mobilize their research more widely with non-academic audiences and trace the impact of their work in broader society, efforts we call Knowledge mobilization (KMb). This study presents longitudinal data from environmental scans (conducted in 2017 and 2022) mapping how 45 social science funding agencies are promoting (through requirements for researchers) and supporting (through agency initiatives) KMb and research impact agendas. Our findings suggest a lack of clarity around the conceptualization and operationalization of KMb and research impact. Agency initiatives focus on communication of research rather than more robust capacity-building efforts for researchers. We argue that funders are well situated to assist researchers in developing skills to increase KMb efforts, ultimately, to improve societal outcomes.
