Session Summary

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Equitable Systems for Thriving Students: Policy Implications of the Science of Learning and Development

Fri, April 14, 2:50 to 4:20pm CDT (2:50 to 4:20pm CDT), Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Erie

Session Type: Symposium


The science of learning and development (SoLD) articulates cross-disciplinary knowledge of the ways that young people develop and suggests how schools can be effectively designed to optimize learning, success, and holistic well-being. This interactive symposium considers the implications of SoLD for educational policy—or the ways that school, district, or state level policy and infrastructure can be (re)designed to grow and sustain schools that enable all students to thrive. Through its featured research presentations and discussant commentary, attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of SoLD and its implications for school and policy structures as well as the importance of creating reinforcing educational systems to enable SoLD-aligned and equity-oriented school transformation.

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