Session Summary

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Charting the Landscape of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers

Sat, April 15, 11:40am to 1:10pm CDT (11:40am to 1:10pm CDT), SwissĂ´tel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Vevey 3

Session Type: Symposium


Benefits of teachers of color and indigenous teachers (TOCIT) go far beyond representation and student academic success. For example, TOCIT reduces rates of disproportionate discipline (Shirrell et al., 2021; contributes to socio-emotional learning (Scherer, 2022); and shows great insight into racialized experiences of students of color (Kohli, 2009). There is a need to understand how TOCIT are recruited, retained, educated, and supported. Extending from the 2022 Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers (Gist & Bristol, 2022), this symposium presentation highlights and expands critical scholarship on TOCIT across six key areas: (1) Recruitment & Retention; (2) Program Design, Pedagogy & Leadership; (3) Human Resource Development & Induction; (4) Mentorship & Professional Development; (5) Intersectionality; and (6) Educational Impact.

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