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7:00am to 11:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 414
AERA Undergraduate Student Workshop - Day 2 (Invitation Only)
Sub Unit: AERA Related Activities
Session Type: Workshop
7:00 to 7:45am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 413
Division G Rise and Shine Friday (Division G Members Only)
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 7:45am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 412
Division L - Rise and Shine Friday (Division L Members Only)
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics
Session Type: Reception
7:30 to 11:00am
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Philadelphia Ballroom North and South
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Breakfast Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:30am to 5:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 119A
AERA Youth Teams in Education Research Session 2 (Invitation Only)
Sub Unit: AERA Related Activities
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
7:45 to 11:45am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107B
PD24-06: What Would It Take to Change Your Inference? Opening the Discourse About Causal Inferences to a Range of Stakeholders
Sub Unit: Professional Development and Training Committee
Session Type: Professional Development Course
7:45 to 9:30am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
AERA Fellows Breakfast and Induction Ceremony (Invitation Only)
Sub Unit: AERA Related Activities
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201A
Imagining Principled Possibilities of Ethnic Studies: Disrupting Racial Injustice From Policy to Pedagogy and Practice
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201B
Weight of the Crown: Anti-Essentialist Futures for Black Girls’ Identity Construction
Sub Unit: Spotlight on Philadelphia and the Region
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Borderlands: Constructing Educational Possibilities Across P–20 Systems: A Structured Conversation Between Educational Leadership and Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Leadership Strategies and Instructional Practices That Enhance Equity and Cultural Responsiveness
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 3: School and District Improvement
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102AB
Georgia Places: Language, Race, and History in Place-Based Georgia Education
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 5: The Places and Praxis of Curriculum
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
“Politic Born of Necessity”: Latina and Latinx Feminists Remembering Genealogies, Imagining Futures
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 6: De/Colonization and Transformative Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108B
Cognitive and Motivational Processes in STEM Contexts
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2a: Cognitive and Motivational Processes
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 119B
Connection With More-Than-Human Participants in Science Learning
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1d: Science
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
Integrating AI Education in K–12 Humanities Curricula: Opportunities, Challenges, Design Considerations, and Promising Solutions
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115C
Multi-Theoretical Perspectives on Instructional Supports for Student Motivation
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2b: Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Supporting Students' Math Learning
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1c: Mathematics
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Ethical Lessons Beyond Institutional Review Board Approvals: Rethinking Ethics in Qualitative Research
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 3: Qualitative Research Methods
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
Practice and Evaluation in Psychometrics
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 1: Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
Diverse Perspectives on Counseling College-Age Students
Sub Unit: Division E - Counseling and Human Development / Division E - Section 1: Counseling
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
Differences, Debates, and Dilemmas in Higher Education
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118B
Critical Participatory Inquiry in Transnational Research Contexts
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109A
Disrupting Notions of Normalcy and White Supremacy: Radical Imaginations Across Educational Research
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Working Group Roundtable
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
Imagining Beyond the Epistemes, Structures, and Practices of Schooling: Black Intergenerational and Interdisciplinary Abolitionist Perspectives
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110A
COVID-19 Impacts: The Then, the Now, and Predictions for the Future
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 1: Applied Research in Schools
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Unpacking the Black Box: Clinical Reasoning Processes
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
Constructing Educational Possibilities for Latin* Engineering Students: Call to Action for the Institutions and Systems That Serve Them
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2a: College Student Access, Trajectories, and Transitions
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Faces at the Bottom of the Old Well: Counter-Stories From Black University of North Carolina Students
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change
Session Type: Demonstration/Performance
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
From Motivation to Mobilization: College Student Experiences With Social Change and Justice
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 1: College Student Learning and Development in College and Beyond
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
Investigating Sense of Belonging Across Student Groups and Experiences
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103A
Leadership Influences
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
Critically Examining White Teacher Identity
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104B
Enacting Equity-Based Reform Through Humanizing Pedagogies: Supporting Professional Learning Spaces for STEM and Special Educators
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118C
Learning From International Voices and Perspectives in Teaching and Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Representations of Practice to Scaffold Teacher Learning to Enact Equitable and Disciplinary Classroom Discussions
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111A
School Choice Research: Understanding Persistent Problems Through New Lenses
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 4: School Choice and Other Market Reforms
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Pushing Out—Reaching In: Multidirectional Influences, Adolescents, Their Neighborhoods
Sub Unit: SIG-Adolescence and Youth Development
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
Bilingual Teacher Education: From Coursework to Fieldwork
Sub Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management: Improving Outcomes for Diverse Students
Sub Unit: SIG-Classroom Management
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Cooperative Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research and Practice
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
Reimagining Diversity, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Dreaming of Solidarities Through Collaborative Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Cultural-Historical Research
Session Type: Workshop
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 304
Decoloniality Dialogues Collective: (Re)storying, (Re)membering, and (Re)visioning Spirals for Decolonial Possibilities
Sub Unit: SIG-Decolonial, Postcolonial, and Anti-Colonial Studies in Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Disability Sustaining Pedagogy: Elementary School Literacy Teaching Based on the Insights of Teachers With Disabilities
Sub Unit: SIG-Disability Studies in Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
The Role and Impact of Leadership Development, Well-Being, and Practice in Early Care and Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Developing Authentic Research Practice Partnerships (RPPs) for Educational Change: Perspectives on Principles, and Practices From Four Diverse Contexts
Sub Unit: SIG-Educational Change
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
Representing Black Student and Family Voices in Family, School, Community Partnerships
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
Exploring Racial Inequity Through Narrative Methodologies
Sub Unit: SIG-Narrative Research
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Teaching Online
Sub Unit: SIG-Online Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Constructing New Possibilities for Racialized Organizations Theory in Educational Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Organizational Theory
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112A
Interrupting Anti-Blackness: Imagining the Possibilities
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Diversity, Identity, and Equity in College Athletics: Perspectives on Recruitment, Experience, and Labor
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Education and Sport
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
In-Sight Out: Challenges and Opportunities in Learning Mathematics Through Negotiating Egocentric and Allocentric Perspectives
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
Challenges and Considerations for Creating Equitable Identification Systems
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 403
Physical Education Curriculum and Teachers
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Research on Teacher Induction Paper Session
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Teacher Induction
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
Reframing the Status Quo With Critical Voices From Minoritized Populations
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
Umoja: On One Accord, the Right to Know, Think, and Aspire Among African American Girls
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Women and Education
Session Type: Symposium
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
School Climate Measurement and Correlates: Findings From Around the Globe
Sub Unit: SIG-School Community, Climate, and Culture
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 409
Students' Histories and Experiences at the Center: Defining "Difficult" and Worthy Historical Investigations
Sub Unit: SIG-Teaching History
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
Developing Educators' Critical Literacy
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Technology-Enhanced Self-Regulated/Self-Directed Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Video Games as Sites of Learning and Critical Media Literacies (Table 1)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Mentoring Through Storytelling, Writing, and Reading (Table 2)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Mentorship and Mentoring Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Mixed-Methods Research Approaches to Understanding Emergent Expertise Among Adult Learners and Educators (Table 3)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Mixed Methods Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Inquiry in Music Education Settings (Table 4)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Music Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Expansive Ways of Knowing and Researching (Table 5)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
(Re)visiting Reflexivity: Positions, Relations, and Contexts (Table 6)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Identity, Agency, and Social Justice in Mathematics Education (Table 7)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Cognitive Shifts in Mathematics Education (Table 8)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Student Self-Efficacy in Mathematics Education (Table 9)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teaching in Rural Schools: Perceptions, Practice, and Professional Development (Table 10)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Rural Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
School Effectiveness and School Improvement Round Table #2 (Table 11)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-School Effectiveness and School Improvement
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teachers' Perceptions and Beliefs for Working With English Learners: Research Across Educational Settings (Table 12)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Second Language Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teacher Leadership and Faculty Learning Communities (Table 13)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Social and Emotional Learning and Student Achievement (Table 14)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Social and Emotional Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Innovations to Support Students With Autism (Table 15)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Understanding Self-Determination, Lived Experiences, and Future Paths in Transition (Table 16)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Exploring Transformative Literacy Practices Across Educational and Community Spaces (Table 17)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Suppoorting Teachers' Instructional Practices and Writer Identity (Table 18)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Understanding and Nurturing School Leadership (Table 19)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Examining the Representation of Race and Ethnicity in Literacy Curricula Through Content Analysis (Table 20)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Interrogating Language Ideologies: Critical Perspectives on Racial Equity for Multilinguals (Table 21)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Online Learning (Table 22)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Examining Justice-Driven Pedagogies Within Disciplinary Contexts (Table 23)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 02: Emancipatory Movements and Transformative Interruptions in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Equity at the Heart of Professional Growth: Strategies for Sustainability, and Culturally Responsive Practices (Table 24)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Innovations in Science Education: From Classroom Practices to Teacher Identities (Table 25)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reforming Policy, Curriculum, and Programs for a Justice-Oriented Teacher Education (Table 26)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 06:Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reimagining Possibilities for Teacher Education (Table 27)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 06:Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Diversity and Disruption Toward Equitable and Inclusive Education (Table 28)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Highlighting the Strengths of Multilingual Teachers and Learners (Table 29)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Teachers' Experiences and Professional Identity (Table 30)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Language Teachers' Experiences in International and Heritage Contexts (Table 31)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Understanding Structural Influences on Student Outcomes and Schooling Experiences (Table 32)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Voices From the Field: Students' Policy Experiences (Table 33)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Policy Adoption and Implementation in School Districts (Table 34)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 9: Policy Implementation and Going to Scale
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Research-Practice Partnership Development (Table 35)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 9: Policy Implementation and Going to Scale
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Coaching for Change (Table 36)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Computers and Learning (Table 37)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Being Brave: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Race in Teacher Education (Table 38)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Exploring the Discursive Intersections of Pedagogy, Policy, and Power (Table 39)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Language and Social Processes
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Models of Democratic Education in a Global Context (Table 40)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Democratic Citizenship in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
From Curriculum Textbooks to Morning Circles: Research on English Language Teaching Across the Globe (Table 41)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Second Language Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Timely Leadership Issues From Various Socio, Cultural, and Racial Perspectives
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 4: School Contexts and Communities
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Considering Teachers, Students, and Contexts in Science Education
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1d: Science
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Social Policy and Education Poster Session
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 8: Social Policy and Education
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Does Location Matter? Spatial Variation in School Performance and Spending
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Fiscal Issues, Policy and Education Finance
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Instructional Technology SIG Posters
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Instructional Technology
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Examining Learning Environments Across Diverse Contexts
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Environments
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Learning Sciences SIG Poster Session 1: STEM Learning, Motivation, Culture, and Design-Based Research
In Event: Friday Poster Session 7:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Sciences
Session Type: Poster Session
7:45 to 9:15am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A Stage
e-Lightening Ed-Talk Session 6
Sub Unit: e-Lightning Ed-Talks
Session Type: AERA Ed Talk
8:00 to 9:30am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 415
Division C Executive Program/Committee Meeting
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Session Type: Reception
8:00am to 1:00pm
North Penn High School, 1340 S. Valley Forge Rd, Lansdale, PA 19446, Floor: Lobby Level, North Penn High School
Detracking School Site Visit
Sub Unit: SIG-Tracking and Detracking
Session Type: Off-Site Visit
9:00am to 12:30pm
Notary, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Mezzanine 2
Trans-Atlantic Roundtables
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Seminar
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 106A
AERA Fellows Committee Meeting: Closed Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105B
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis: Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201A
Faculty Are Subverting Racial Injustice and Expanding Educational Opportunities for Students Through Practitioner Research at Our Minority-Serving California Community College
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201B
The Mourning After Affirmative Action: Reflecting on the Dissenting Opinions, Anti-Blackness, and Possibility
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 202AB
Opportunities for Federal Research Funding: Institute of Education Sciences, National Science Foundation, and National Institutes of Health
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon G
Meet the Journal Editors 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Roundtable
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201C
Prioritizing Educator Diversity Research: A Journey of Reflection, Insights, and New Possibilities
Sub Unit: Spotlight on Philadelphia and the Region
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 119B
A Methodological Renaissance: Expanding Intersectional Approaches for Black Girls in Education
Sub Unit: Committee on Scholars and Advocates for Gender Equity in Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 120A
International Relations Committee Invited Session: From Global Anti-Blackness to Pro-Blackness in Educational Research and Teaching
Sub Unit: International Relations Committee
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 4
Interrogating Educational Possibilities Through Teacher Education and Development
Sub Unit: International Aligned Associations / Educational Studies Association of Ireland - ESAI
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115C
The Future of Social Justice Action: Claiming Space to Sustain Ourselves Through the Work
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Transforming Educational Leadership: Righting Wrongs of Race and Difference
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Developing Capacity Through Projects, Bootcamps, and Community-Based Experiential Learning
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3a: Learning Environments
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
Boots on the Ever-Shifting Ground: Engaging Critical Methodologies in Precarious Times
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 3: Qualitative Research Methods
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118C
Division D Equity and Inclusion Committee Invited Session: Methods for Integrating Evidence With Equity and Inclusion Policy
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Exploring Science in the Preschool Years: Identity Development and Learning Through Educational Narratives
Sub Unit: Division E - Counseling and Human Development / Division E - Section 2: Human Development
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
Documenting History of Education: Methods, Narratives, and Stories
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
"Hasta La Raíz": Rooting Justice-Centered Dual Language Bilingual Education in Illinois
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
Examinations of the Relational Racialization of Asian Americans in Education
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111A
Navigating Place and Space in Black Bodies
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 1: Education and Place, Space, Time
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
The Last Brick Shall Be the Cornerstone: Re-Mattering Black Educational Lives After the Neoliberal Wrecking Ball
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 4: Policies, Mattering, and Praxis
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
“Descriptive Adequacy” and the Overdetermination of Blackness: A Dilemma and Meditation in Language Education Research
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103A
Reconsidering Assessment Fairness: Extending Beyond the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110A
Empowering Pathways: Racialized Realities of Mentorship, Belonging, and Advising in STEM
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 1: College Student Learning and Development in College and Beyond
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
Latinidad in Higher Education: An Exploration of the Experiences, Challenges, and Perspectives of Latinx and Afro-Latinx Students
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
Promise and Precarity: A Discussion of Tenure and Promotion Pathways
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
(Re)Centering Our Collective Knowledge in a Tlahtocan Community Dialogue Circle: Indigenous Pedagogies From Central Texas
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 03: Indigenous Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 411
Asian and Asian American Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118B
Climate Teacher Education as Spaces for Holding Climate Precarity, Hope, Community, and Youths’ Flourishing Futures
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 04: Transformative Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Exploring Antiracist and Social Justice Teaching
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon A
Fireside Chat: Higher Education Leaders of Color Advancing Teaching and Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104B
Situating Complexities of (Missing) Representation in Teacher Education for Social Justice: U.S. and German Contexts
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 01: Intersectional Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Teachers Collaborating for Social-Emotional Learning Toward Equity: The Possibilities of Professional Learning Communities
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Equalizing Learning Opportunities Through High-Impact Tutoring: Results From Four Randomized Controlled Trials
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 9: Policy Implementation and Going to Scale
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102AB
Responding to Crises: Education in the Wake of COVID-19
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon B
At the Crossroads of Bilingual Education and Special Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
Reconsidering Teacher Assessment Literacy: Evolving Trends and Practices in Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Classroom Assessment
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
Civic Collaborative Learning Spaces: Reimagining the Civic Across Disciplines and Contexts
Sub Unit: SIG-Democratic Citizenship in Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
At the Nexus of Continuous Improvement and School District Research: Possibilities, Dilemmas, and Provocations
Sub Unit: SIG-Districts in Research & Reform
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109A
Building Equitable Mixed-Delivery Pre-K Systems by Including Family Child Care: Perspectives From States, Researchers, and Practitioners
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Working Group Roundtable
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
Playful Learning Landscapes: Increasing Access to Informal Learning Opportunities for Children and Families
Sub Unit: SIG-Experiential Education and Community Engagement: Scholarship and Practice
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
From Coming to Voice to Sacar La Voz: Learning to Speak Up and Speak Out! Co-Birthing an Activist Music Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Hip Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies
Session Type: Workshop
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Dismantling Racial Injustice IS Imagining an Indigenous Holistic Well-Being Framework for the Next Seven Generations
Sub Unit: SIG-Holistic Education
Session Type: Workshop
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Baila Conmigo: Mentoring Latinas as School Leaders
Sub Unit: SIG-Latina/o/x Research Issues
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 409
(Re)Centering Our Blackness and Ourselves: Black Women's Research as Responsibility to Our Spirits
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for Social Justice
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
Perspectives on Promoting Algorithmic Justice in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Education in K–12
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Sciences
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
The "Invisible" Resonance: (Re)Imagining Writing for a "Just Present" in Local and Global Technoscapes
Sub Unit: SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Narrative Methodologies in Our Current Classrooms
Sub Unit: SIG-Narrative Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
Design and Evaluation of Online Learning Environments
Sub Unit: SIG-Online Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Culturally Situated Approaches in Qualitative Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
Working in, With, and for Our Communities: Humanizing Method(ologie)s in Transnational Literacies Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112A
Data Literacy and Technology in Mathematics Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
Math Coaching, Teacher Leadership, and Development of Math Teachers
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103B
Problematizing the Relationship(s) Between Financial Literacy and Mathematics in Multiple Educational Spaces
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Becoming Literate: Cognitive and Social Processes of Learning to Read
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Reading and Literacy
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Research on the Superintendency SIG Paper Session: Culture, Relationships, Divisiveness, and Strategies
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on the Superintendency
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Bright Spots for Educational Leadership in Rural Places
Sub Unit: SIG-Rural Education
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Critical Dimensions in Education: A Deeper Look at Teaching Quality, Class Sizes, and Cultural Practices
Sub Unit: SIG-School Effectiveness and School Improvement
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Translanguaging Across Educational Settings: Affordances and Tensions
Sub Unit: SIG-Second Language Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 304
Multiple Perspectives on Building a County-Wide Ecosystem of Social and Emotional Learning and Racial Equity
Sub Unit: SIG-Social and Emotional Learning
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
Perspectives, Processes, and Possibilities: Reimagining Co-Authorship for Relational and Anticolonial Futures in Social Studies Scholarship
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
Frameworks for Inclusivity and Readiness in Special Education: Insights From Transition Planning and UDL (Universal Design for Learning) Implementation
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
Divine Love in Me: Black Girl Love as Resistance Against Oppressive Schooling
Sub Unit: SIG-Spirituality & Education
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Cognition and Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
Extrapolating Success for Historically Marginalized Groups in Space Beyond K–12
Sub Unit: SIG-Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
Session Type: Paper Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302
Expanding Media Literacy Through Critical Digital Aesthetics
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Symposium
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Innovative Approaches in Education: Mindfulness, Cultural Literacy, and Cooperative Learning Strategies for Young Learners (Table 1)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Action Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Adult Immigrant and Multilingual Education (Table 2)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Adult Literacy and Adult Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Performing the Word in the World (Table 3)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Arts and Inquiry in the Visual and Performing Arts in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Impactful Arts Learning (Table 4)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Arts and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Resonate Rhythms of Identity: Engaging Movement, Reflection, and Meditations on Justice (Table 5)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Arts-Based Educational Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Worldviews and Narratives: The BioDoc SIG Roundtable II (Table 6)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Biographical and Documentary Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Research Supporting Professionals in Catholic Education (Table 7)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Catholic Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Improving Classroom Management of Teachers and Paraeducators (Table 8)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Classroom Management
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Critical Interrogations of Equity and Racial Justice in K–12 and Higher Education (Table 9)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Deconstructing Dominant Narratives and Centering Ancestral Knowledge Across the PK–20 Spectrum (Table 10)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Never a Level Playing Field: Higher Learning and the Black Student (Table 11)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Step One, Liberate Minds: An Exploration of Research and Practice in K–12 Settings (Table 12)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Socially Just Emotions, Environmental Justice, and Cultural Capital (Table 13)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Mirrors, Windows, Sliding Glass Doors: Critical Approaches in ECE (Early Childhood Education) to Counter-Stories, Language, and Literature (Table 14)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Spaces for Emerging Expertise (Table 15)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Cultural-Historical Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Disability-Centered Systemic Change in the Global Research Community (Table 16)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Disability Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Family, School, Community Partnership Initiatives to Promote Literacy (Table 17)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Doctoral Student Development: Critical Issues Within Ed.D. Programs (Table 18)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Critical Pedagogy Facing the Contradictions of Class Society (Table 19)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Paulo Freire
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teacher's Beliefs, Practices, and Competences in Project-Based Learning (Table 20)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Roundtable: New Perspectives and Approaches in Teaching and Learning Research Methods (Table 21)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Teaching and Learning Research Methods
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
#IdentityMatters: Engaging the Intersections (Table 22)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
#STEMingWhileBlack (Table 23)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
The Importance of Equity-Centeredness in K–12 and Higher Education Institutions (Table 24)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
New Directions in Practices and Procedures to Promote School Safety (Table 25)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-School Community, Climate, and Culture
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Curricular Possibilities: Reflections and Narratives of (Cultural) Education (Table 26)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 1: Cultural Inquiry in Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
The Politics of Language and Literacy Curricula: Amplifying Obscured Perspectives Within Cultural Contexts (Table 27)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 4: Policies and the Politics of Curriculum
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Rethinking Innovative Pedagogies for Mulilingual Learners (Table 28)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1a: Literacy
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Epistemic Agency, Inquiry, and Justice in Science Education (Table 29)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1d: Science
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts Roundtable (Table 30)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2b: Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Innovation in Statistical Methods (Table 31)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 2: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Methodological Decisions in Multiple- and Mixed-Methods Research (Table 32)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 4: Multi-Method and Mixed Methods
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Impact of Early Childhood Programs on Math, Literacy, and Problem-Solving (Table 33)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 2: Program Evaluation in Schools
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reflexive Turns: Cultural and Linguistic Justice in Preservice Teacher Education (Table 34)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 07: Clinical Practice and Community Engagement
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teachers as Advocates and Abolitionists (Table 35)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Racial Equity in School Choice Processes (Table 36)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 4: School Choice and Other Market Reforms
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Principal Leadership and School District Personnel Staffing to Support High-Quality Conditions for Teaching and Learning (Table 37)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 6: Human Capital and School Finance
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Raciolinguistics, Translanguaging, and Indigenous Language Revitalization (Table 38)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Decolonial, Postcolonial, and Anti-Colonial Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Enacting Culturally Sustaining, Relevant, and/or Responsive Pedagogies (Table 39)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Peer Mentoring Is Powerful (Table 40)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Mentorship and Mentoring Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reflections on Educating at the Intersections of Queerness and Race (Table 41)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 9:45 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Queer Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
The Changing Landscape of Leadership Preparation, Partnerships, and Social Justice Advocacy
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Trends and Issues in Technology-Based Environments
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Division D Poster Session 2
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 1: Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Division G: Policies Mattering and Praxis Poster Session
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 4: Policies, Mattering, and Praxis
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Ethnic Minority ECE (Early Childhood Education) Providers' Perceived Needs of Support and Training Following COVID-19
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Motivations and School Functioning Among Secondary Students in Sports-Study Programs: Are There Potential Spillover Effects?
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Education and Sport
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Politicizing Tenure: The Side Effects of Disruptive Higher Education Policies
In Event: Friday Poster Session 9:35 am
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 1: Governance, Politics, and Intergovernmental Relations
Session Type: Poster Session
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A Stage
e-Lightening Ed-Talk Session 7
Sub Unit: e-Lightning Ed-Talks
Session Type: AERA Ed Talk
9:35 to 11:05am
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB
Reconciling Traditional Quantitative Methods With the Imperative for Equitable, Critical, and Ethical Research
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:00am to 1:00pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon L
William T. Grant Foundation Special Interest Group Research-Mentoring Networking Luncheon
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Seminar
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105B
Educational Researcher: Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Headhouse Tower Level 3, Independence Ballroom Salon III
International Relations Committee: Closed Meeting Honoring International Travel Award Recipients
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201B
Elevating Youth Scholar Voice Through Antiracist Educational Practices
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201C
Testing Standards Revision Updates and Membership Input (Joint Session With the National Council on Measurement in Education)
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB
The Leadership Role and Research Priorities of the STEM Education Directorate (EDU): A Conversation With James L. Moore III, National Science Foundation, EDU Assistant Director
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Michael A. Nutter Theater, Room 114
2024 AERA Distinguished Lecture: "Not Yet at Plessy": 70 Years Post-Brown
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon G
Meet the Journal Editors 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Roundtable
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
AERA Promising Scholarship in Education Research: Dissertation Fellows and Their Research
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Poster Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201A
Race, Community, and Educational Research: A Retrospective on W. E. B. Du Bois’ “The Philadelphia Negro” 125 Years Later
Sub Unit: Spotlight on Philadelphia and the Region
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon H
Graduate Student Council Division D Fireside Chat: Data Ethics and Responsible Research Practices: Navigating Ethical Challenges in Educational Research
Sub Unit: Graduate Student Council
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 119B
Voices Unheard: Exploring Diverse Perspectives on BIPOC Experiences in Higher Education
Sub Unit: Committee on Scholars of Color in Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 120A
Respectful Relationships for Collaborative and Sustainable Educational Communities
Sub Unit: International Aligned Associations / New Zealand Association for Research in Education - NZARE
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Understanding the Multifaceted Dynamics of Educational Environments: From Climate to Culture, and Collaboration
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 2: School Organization and Effects
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103A
Advancements for Exceptional Learners in Literacy Evaluation and Innovation
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1a: Literacy
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes to Improve Learning
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2a: Cognitive and Motivational Processes
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Division C Shark Tank: Graduate Students Pitch Equity and Inclusion–Focused Research Designs (for Money)
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111A
Emotions in Student and Teacher Learning: New Insights and Educational Applications
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2a: Cognitive and Motivational Processes
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108B
Innovative Pedagogies and Approaches in Engineering and Computing Education
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1e: Engineering and Computer Science
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
Justice-Centered Pedagogy: Context-Specific Adjustments and Cross-Cutting Constants
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1d: Science
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
Learning in Interactive and Gamified Environments
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
Division D International Committee Invited Session: Empowering Futures: Harnessing Education for Social Equity and Sustainable Development Goals
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Division D Mentoring Session
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Equipping School Counselors for Inclusive Postsecondary Transitions: Navigating Student Shifting Plans, Racial Injustice, and College Readiness Strategies
Sub Unit: Division E - Counseling and Human Development / Division E - Section 1: Counseling
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
Excavating Black Teacher Historiographies and the Necessity of Archival Justice Work in Advancing Educational Equity
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
Language, Literacy, and Identity: Examining Pedagogical Spaces of Social and Linguistic Justice for Diverse Learners
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118C
Liberation as Political Imperative: Toward the Conceptualization of Ethnic Studies Education
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon A
Navigating Resilience and Reclaiming Black Spirit and Joy
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
The Library Is Open: Reading RuPaul’s Drag Race in a Time of Drag Bans
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115C
Educational Leaders Maximizing the Social Capital Benefits of Networks: Thoughts From an International Symposium
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
Dismantling Barriers: Perspectives, Learning, and Campus Climate
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2c: Assessing College Student Success and Impact
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Division J Vice Presidential Session: Dismantling Injustice in Campus Policing and Reimagining Safety
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110A
Black Women Teachers' Reflections and Resistance
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103B
Critical Literacies in Teaching and Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Meeting the Needs: Centering Multiple Dimensions of Language
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
Reflecting on Preservice Teachers' Journey for Justice
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Reflexive and Engaged Policy Studies: Critical Policy Research With K–12 Teachers and Teacher Educators
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 02: Emancipatory Movements and Transformative Interruptions in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
Strategies for Broadening Teachers’ Views of Early-Grade Learners’ Competencies Through Computational Thinking
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104B
Writing Against Racism: BIPOC Faculty and Graduate Students in Teacher Education Imagining New Pathways for Collective Justice
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 04: Transformative Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
The Interplay of Discourse, Policy, and Perception in Education Inequities
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 5: Testing, Accountability and Data Use
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon B
Assessing Computational Thinking: Updates and Advances in the Field
Sub Unit: SIG-Advanced Technologies for Learning
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Black Critical Quantification: Freedom Dreaming Through (Re)membering Our Ancestral Knowledges
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Pedagogies of Resistance: Stories of Change
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
Confronting the Raciolinguistic Injustices Recycled in Early Childhood Spaces: Advocating With a Feminist-Abolitionist Approach
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 3
Educational Change SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Educational Change
Session Type: Business Meeting
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118B
Possibilities in Practice: Environmental and Sustainability Learning Across Contexts
Sub Unit: SIG-Environmental Education
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
Family, School, Community Partnerships’ Leadership and Reform
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Ethics of AI in Ed: Five Humans and ChatGPT Discuss
Sub Unit: SIG-Instructional Technology
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
Undermining Democracy: Public Education Disrupted
Sub Unit: SIG-Law and Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 409
Equity-Focused Leadership Possibilities and Practices
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for Social Justice
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Restorying Young Adult Literature to Reconstruct Educational Possibility in Classrooms and Beyond
Sub Unit: SIG-Literature
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Will I Stay or Will I Go? Situating Teachers’ Career Decisions in Multiple Contexts
Sub Unit: SIG-Lives of Teachers
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Looking at Mentoring from a PK–12 School District Perspective
Sub Unit: SIG-Mentorship and Mentoring Practices
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
Multicultural Competence of Preservice Teachers/Teacher Candidates and Curriculum
Sub Unit: SIG-Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research and Practice
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
Engagement and Self-Concept in Music Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Music Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Joy and Aliveness: Perspectives on Queer and Trans Wellness in Higher Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Queer Studies
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
Equity and Empowerment in Neoliberal Society
Sub Unit: SIG-Religion and Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112A
Invisible No Longer: Understanding the Experiences of Black Immigrants in the U.S. Educational Landscape
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
Math Education Support Structures of RPP (Research-Practice Partnership), Teacher Leaders, Principals, Parents, and Future Math Professionals
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 4
Decades of Reading Research: Challenging the Science of Reading
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Reading and Literacy
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
Talent Pipelines and Summer Programs
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 403
Student Learning in Physical Education and Physical Activity
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Considering Race and Context in Rural Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Rural Education
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
Theoretical Underpinnings of Self-Study
Sub Unit: SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Toward Critical Multimodal Methodologies: Analytical Tools for Disrupting Hegemonic Structures in Educational Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings and Multimodality
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
Constructing Possibilities: New Directions in Social Studies Research and Practice for Racial Justice
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
How Do Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education Conceal Inequity? A Systematic Examination
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
Methodological Approaches for Equity-Oriented Evidence Synthesis
Sub Unit: SIG-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109A
Fostering Equity Through Computing and Digital Literacy Integration in Urban Community College Teacher Education Programs
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Working Group Roundtable
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Exploring Workplace Learning: Session 1
Sub Unit: SIG-Workplace Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302
Go Off Sis: Journeying Through (Re)Searching With Black Girls Through Space and Place
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Symposium
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Global Implications and Lived Experiences of Neoliberal and Neocolonial-Based Euro-Western Early Childhood Policies and Practice (Table 1)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Racial Capitalism, Coloniality, and the State’s Colonial/Imperial Educational Projects (Table 2)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Decolonial, Postcolonial, and Anti-Colonial Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Culture, Learning, and Design (Table 3)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Design and Technology
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Sustaining Disabled Research Pedagogies: Toward an Inclusive Approach to Educational Research (Table 4)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Disability Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Alternate Assessments: Research to Practice (Table 5)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Inclusion and Accessibility in Educational Assessment
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Indigeneity and Methodology (Table 6)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Indigenous Peoples of the Americas
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Research on Indigenous Issues in Education: Students With Exceptionalities; Cultural Practices and Language Production; Health Education; Reading Achievement; and Teachers’ Beliefs About Indigenous Children (Table 7)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Learning Lessons on Teaching and Learning (Table 8)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-International Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Student Experiences (Table 9)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-International Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Leadership for Better Schools, Equity, and Justice (Table 10)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for School Improvement
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Cultivating Computational and Scientific Thinking Through Research-Practice Partnerships, Cross-Cultural Adaptations, and Equity-Oriented Co-Design for Educators (Table 11)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Sciences
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Opportunities and Challenges of Intervention, In-the-Moment, and Person-Centered Motivation Research (Table 12)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Motivation in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Understanding Student Achievement Using the NAEP Data (Table 13)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-NAEP Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
K–12 Partnerships That Advance Asset-Orientation, Equity, and Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogies (Table 14)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-School, University, Community Collaborative Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Roundtable: School-University Partnership Research (Table 15)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-School-University Partnership Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Early Childhood and Elementary Science Learning (Table 16)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Science Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Identity, Ideology, and Grit: Language Education Research From Various Settings (Table 17)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Second Language Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Utilizing Race as a Method of Inquiry (Table 18)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Sociology of Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teacher and Principal Well-Being: Examining Organizational Stressors, Geography, and Teacher Leadership (Table 19)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Curriculum Histories in Practice: Revisioning Time, Space, and Place (Table 20)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 2: Exploring Past, Present, and Future Curricular Questions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Activism, Education, and Integration: The Historical Roots and Continued Persistence of Segregation (Table 21)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
"Navigating Stormy Seas": Emotion and Motivation in Professional Learning (Table 22)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Transforming Social Spaces Toward Equity and Justice (Table 23)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 1: Education and Place, Space, Time
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Illuminating Adult/Child, Teacher/Learner Relationships Through Critical Mixed and Quant Methodologies (Table 24)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Illuminating Inequities in Postsecondary, Subject Area, and Career Access (Table 25)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teachers' Perspectives on Anti–Critical Race Theory, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and the Boogeyman (Table 26)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 4: Policies, Mattering, and Praxis
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Educational Justice Within and Beyond School Buildings (Table 27)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Emancipatory Movements Toward Justice and Joy: The Role of Improvisation in Transformational Learning (Table 28)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Global Insights: School Assessments and Stakeholders’ Feedback (Table 29)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 3: Assessment in Schools
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Student Success: Strategies for Anxiety Reduction, Executive Function Coaching, and Effective Study Habits in Higher Education (Table 30)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 1: College Student Learning and Development in College and Beyond
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Examining the Role of Support Programs in Student Postsecondary Success (Table 31)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2a: College Student Access, Trajectories, and Transitions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Student Experiences: COVID, Race, and Sense of Belonging (Table 32)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Trust, Mentorship, and Belonging for Minoritized and Underserved Students in STEM (Table 33)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Tell Me What Matters to Your Institution Without Saying It Out Loud: Mission Statements, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Priorities (Table 34)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Faculty Issues 2 (Table 35)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
(Re)Examining Preservice and In-Service Teacher Responses and Their Implications (Table 36)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 06:Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Principal as Instructional Leader: Impact on Teachers' Job Performance, Instruction, Professional Learning, Autonomy, and Self-Efficacy (Table 37)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Adult Education Policy, Barriers, and Career and Workforce (Table 38)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Adult Literacy and Adult Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Transnational and Raciolinguistic Perspectives for Advocacy and Empowerment (Table 39)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Unlocking Creative Innovations in Arts-Based Education for Higher Learning (Table 40)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Arts-Based Educational Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Applying Mixed-Methods Research Design to Inspect Educational Practice and Policy (Table 41)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Mixed Methods Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Working With Posthuman and Postfoundational Concepts to Rethink Modern Educational Issues (Table 42)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 11:25 am
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Posthuman and Postfoundational Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A Stage
e-Lightening Ed-Talk Session 8
Sub Unit: e-Lightning Ed-Talks
Session Type: AERA Ed Talk
11:25am to 12:55pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 202AB
Accessibility, Inclusion, and Culture Change in Scholarly Associations – Perspectives from AERA’s Ombuds, ASL, and Disability Consultants
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
1:15 to 2:45pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Upper Grand Hall, Ballroom AB
2024 AERA Awards Ceremony and Celebration
In Event: AERA Awards Ceremony
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:00 to 5:00pm
Notary, Floor: First Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon IV
Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate Meeting
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Seminar
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 106B
AERA Scholars of Color in Education Committee Closed Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 106A
International Relations Committee Closed Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201B
Scholarship That Befits a Democracy: Disrupting Educational Inequality Through the Scholarship of Mike Rose
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201A
The Role of HBCUs in Constructing Knowledge: Race, Relevance, and Research
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 202AB
Toward a Research and Development Roadmap: Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Analytics, and Assessment in the Service of Learning
Sub Unit: AERA Honorary President Edmund W. Gordon Series
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB
Fairness in the Next Generation of the Standards: A Discussion on Equity
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Michael A. Nutter Theater, Room 114
2023 Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award Lecture: My Epistemological Journey: The Quest for Educational Equity in a National and Global Context
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
National, Local, and Institutional Leadership Models: Gender, Sexuality, and Social Justice (Table 1)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Cultural Relevance and Responsiveness in Curriculum and Teaching Practice (Table 2)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Understanding Race and Culture in Music and Museum Education (Table 3)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching and Learning (Table 4)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Writing Across Educational Contexts (Table 5)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Gender Equity, Student Interest, Attitudes, and Academic Performance in Science Education (Table 6)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Mathematics Education: Black Women Teachers, Student Agency, and College Placement and Readiness (Table 7)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Insights into Motivation in Education Contexts: Leadership Roles, Growth Mindset, and Goal Commitments (Table 8)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Understanding the Experiences of Preservice Teachers (Table 9)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Research on Science Teaching, Teaching Efficacy, and Trust in Science (Table 10)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Research on Gifted Students in Adolescence and Adulthood: Precocity, Creativity, and College Readiness (Table 11)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Understanding Learning Experiences in Formal and Informal Education Settings (Table 12)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Research on Teacher and School Leader Preparation: Alternative Certification, Intercultural Competencies, Retention, and Emergency Management (Table 13)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Computational, Sociocultural, and Community-Based Literacies: Beliefs, Behaviors, and Practices (Table 14)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 1
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Friday Poster Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines
Session Type: Poster Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
AERA Youth Teams in Education Research Poster Session
In Event: Friday Poster Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Workshop
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon H
Graduate Student Council Division F Fireside Chat: Leveraging Historical Methods to Build Coalitions for Liberation in Education
Sub Unit: Graduate Student Council
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon L
Investigating the Past to Understand the Present and Envision the Future: A Continued Conversation on Brown
Sub Unit: Social Justice Action Committee
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon B
The Promotion and Support of Self-Regulated Learning Across Different Educational Levels
Sub Unit: International Aligned Associations / Netherlands Educational Research Association - VOR
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102AB
Conceptualizing Equity in Leadership
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115C
Developing Justice Leaders: High-Impact Strategies in Leadership Preparation
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Tangles of Difference: Transnational and Transgenerational Curriculum Relationalities
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 3: Theories, Methodologies, and Philosophies of Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Unsettling the Coloniality of Knowledge: Curricula as Inscriptions of Westernized Order
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 1: Cultural Inquiry in Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
Conflicts and Contestations Over Equity in STEM: Ethics and Emotions, Politics and Possibilities
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1d: Science
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
Equity in Technology-Based Environments
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Growth Mindset in Education: Measuring, Mediating, and Cultivating Beliefs for Student Success
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 2b: Learning and Motivation in Social and Cultural Contexts
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Role of Curriculum and Instruction for Math Learning
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1c: Mathematics
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon A
Application of Longitudinal Models and Statistical Theory
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 2: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
Applications in Systematic and Meta-Analysis
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 1: Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
Methodological Innovations and Complexities in the Analysis and Meta-Analysis of Single-Subject Experimental Design Data
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 2: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111A
Fostering Students' Development and Learning During Middle School, College, and Emerging Adulthood
Sub Unit: Division E - Counseling and Human Development / Division E - Section 2: Human Development
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
For the Culture: Black Self-Determination and Schooling
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
Critical Educational Policy Analysis: Attending to Equitable Power Analysis in Scholar-Practitioner Knowledge Co-Creation
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 4: Policies, Mattering, and Praxis
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110A
Multiple Perspectives on the Use and Experience of Credit Recovery for High School Students
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 1: Applied Research in Schools
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon C
Dismantling Assessment Injustice: Reconceptualizing Consequential Validity, Assessment Fairness, and Measurement Considerations in the Professions
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108B
Higher Educaton Pathways: From High School to College and Beyond
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 5: Policy, Finance, and Economics
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103A
Teaching Critical Quantitative Methods in Higher Education
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Centering Community in Teacher Practice
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 07: Clinical Practice and Community Engagement
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104B
Disruption and Deconstruction With Early Childhood Teachers and Teacher Educators
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
Dual and Multi-Languages: How Teachers, Parents and Communities Can Build Bridges
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 10: Inservice Teacher Education and Teacher Educator Development
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
Equity and “Core” Teaching Practices Across Disciplines: Bridging Constructs and Communities to Support Students’ Flourishing
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112A
Guiding Justice-Driven Teacher Education: Using Theory to Change Practice in Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Reenvisioning Teacher Education Policy and Programs to Construct Educational Possibilities
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 06:Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Equity and Access in Early Childhood Education
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 8: Social Policy and Education
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
Implementing Policies to Address Inequality
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 9: Policy Implementation and Going to Scale
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
New Questions and Outcomes for Research on Teacher Turnover
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 6: Human Capital and School Finance
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
School Shuttering and the Fight for Black Public Educational Access, Improvement, and Protection
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
Youth and Student Voices From the Margins: Advocacy, Access, and Aspirations in the Education System
Sub Unit: SIG-Action Research
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302
Family Ecosystem and Its Relationship to Positive Adolescent Functioning
Sub Unit: SIG-Adolescence and Youth Development
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 3
Translanguaging in Various Classroom Settings: Opportunities and Challenges
Sub Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
Unpacking “Home”: Confronting Racism and Other Oppressions in Early Childhood Contexts
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 4
Design-Based Approaches for Creativity Education and Research: Case Studies From Six Universities in Canada and Australia
Sub Unit: SIG-Design and Technology
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
Early Education and Child Development: Graduate Student Mentor/Mentee Gathering
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Reception
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
Climate Country: Dismantling and Co-Constructing Climate Change Education on/With Country
Sub Unit: SIG-Environmental Education
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Dismantling Barriers and Centering Multilingual Families Through Humanizing, Critical Partnerships
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Culturally Responsive Assessment and English Learner Inclusion
Sub Unit: SIG-Inclusion and Accessibility in Educational Assessment
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
Reclaiming Cultural Identity: Research on Indigenous Empowerment Through Language, Art, and Historical Knowledge
Sub Unit: SIG-Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Exploring Race and Identity in International Education Experiences
Sub Unit: SIG-International Studies
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 304
Making Mundo Nuevo: Advancing an Anzaldúan Theorization of Latinx Resistance in Educational Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Latina/o/x Research Issues
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109A
Ineffective School Leadership: Teachers Weigh In
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for School Improvement
Session Type: Working Group Roundtable
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 403
New Approaches to the Study of Learning Environments
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Environments
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Tensions in Practicing and Researching Critical Digital Literacies for/in Platformized Environments
Sub Unit: SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118C
Reflections on Quality of Mixed-Methods Research From Multiple Perspectives
Sub Unit: SIG-Mixed Methods Research
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
The Promise and Perils of GenAI for Understanding Teaching, Learning, and Equity in Motivation Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Motivation in Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
Freirean Praxis in Dehumanizing Times
Sub Unit: SIG-Paulo Freire
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Research Methodologies for Studying Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Seeking New Suns: Murmurations on the Visual, Affective, Geographic, and Sonic Possibilities of Collaborative Liberatory Methodologies
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103B
Social Justice and Mathematics Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Leading Rurally: Lessons on Leadership in Australian and American Rural Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Rural Education
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Research on Undergraduate Science Teaching and Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Science Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
It Takes a Village: Supporting Diverse Children’s Social-Emotional Well-Being Through Community-Engaged Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Social and Emotional Learning
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118B
Teaching Villainification in Social Studies: Pedagogies to Deepen Understanding of Social Evils
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
The Fight for Racial Justice in STEM Education: Perspectives From the Field
Sub Unit: SIG-Socio-Political Issues in Mathematics and Science Education
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
Equity and Inclusion in Special Education: Exploring Bias, Disparities, and Transformative Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
Advances in Gamification and Game-Based Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology as an Agent of Change in Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy and Computational Thinking Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Academic Writing in Urban Education: Balancing the Tensions: Workshop
Sub Unit: SIG-Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research
Session Type: Workshop
3:05 to 4:35pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
Literacies of Refusal: Writing, Healing, and Creating Outside the White Gaze
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Symposium
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Critical Disruptions: Perspectives on Teacher Preparation Informed by Disability Studies in Education (Table 1)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Disability Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Properties of District Management and Reform (Table 2)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Districts in Research & Reform
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Parent Impact and Decisions on Early Care and Education (Table 3)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Predictors and Moderators for Preschool Children's Social Emotional Development (Table 4)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Promoting Literacy in Early Childhood Settings (Table 5)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Creativity and Localized Change: Teachers and Coaches Supporting Transformation (Table 6)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Educational Change
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
SIG 41 Roundtable Presentations (II) (Table 7)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Experiential Education and Community Engagement: Scholarship and Practice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Perspectives on the Development of Faculty (Table 8)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Faculty Teaching, Evaluation, and Development
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Revolutionizing Education Through Hip-Hop: Narratives of Empowerment and Liberation (Table 9)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Hip Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Culture, Belonging, and Teaching Through Holistic Education (Table 10)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Holistic Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
(Re)Considering the Critical and Affective Potentials of Playful Literacies (Table 11)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Language and Social Processes
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
(Re)constructing Identities: Explorations of Identity Construction Across Varied Pedagogical Contexts (Table 12)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Language and Social Processes
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Leading for Change in Challenging Times (Table 13)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for School Improvement
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Leadership Perspectives of Women of Color (Table 14)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for Social Justice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
What Now? Exploring Dilemmas of Teacher Practice (Table 15)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Lives of Teachers
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Using Assessment Methods to Identify and Dismantle Injustice in Education (Table 16)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Measurement and Assessment in Higher Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Leveraging Organizational Theory to Understand and Address Racial Inequities (Table 17)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Organizational Theory
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Trans Disciplinary Approaches to Improving Queer, Trans Climate (Table 18)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Queer Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Outcomes, Culture, and Leadership (Table 19)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Religion and Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Illuminating Truth of Gender and Race in the Current Era (Table 20)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Women and Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Organizational and Instructional Theories, Supports, and Models for Leaders to Consider (Table 21)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 2: School Organization and Effects
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Enhancing Teacher Capacities Through Technological Innovation (Table 22)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3a: Learning Environments
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reimagining Participatory Qualitative Methodologies Across Time, Space, and Context (Table 23)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 3: Qualitative Research Methods
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Students Navigating Invisible Intersections, Social Mobility, and Cultural Differences (Table 24)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Micro/Macro Contexts of Racism (Table 25)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Epistemological Understandings Across Linguistic Contexts (Table 26)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Examining Raciolinguistic Ideologies (Table 27)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 3: Languages, Literacies, and Representations
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Indigenous Learning Across Contexts (Table 28)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Interracial Solidarity, Educational Possibilities (Table 29)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Examining STEM Students' Higher Education Trajectories (Table 30)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2a: College Student Access, Trajectories, and Transitions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Exploring Cyberbullying, Cybersecurity, and Careers in the Virtual World (Table 31)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2b: College Student Experiences
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Pulling Back the Veil and a Closer Look (Table 32)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
The Different Faces and Facets of Student Support (Table 33)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Where Do We Go From Here? The Sociocultural Factors and Implications of STEM (Table 34)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Dismantling Linguistic Racism Across Diverse Contexts (Table 35)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 04: Transformative Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
International Perspectives and Experiences in Diversity and Equity in Educational Contexts (Table 36)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 04: Transformative Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Navigating Instructional Landscapes: Insights Into Decision Making for Effective Teaching (Table 37)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Rethinking Racial Equity, Access, and Curriculum in the Era of Selective Banning (Table 38)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 4: Policies, Mattering, and Praxis
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
The Different Outlets of Student Support and Challenges in K–12 Education (Table 39)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 3:05 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Sociology of Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A Stage
e-Lightening Ed-Talk Session 9
Sub Unit: e-Lightning Ed-Talks
Session Type: AERA Ed Talk
3:05 to 4:35pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201C
The Role of Education Statistics Within the Federal Statistical System
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
3:30 to 5:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107B
Division K Graduate Student Executive Board + Campus Liaisons (Closed Session)
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:30 to 6:00pm
Notary, Floor: First Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon III
University of British Columbia (UBC) Dean of Education's Annual Alumni and Friends Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon G
AERA SIG Executive Committee Meet-and-Greet for SIG Officers (Invitation Only)
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105B
Review of Educational Research: Closed Editorial Board Meeting
Sub Unit: AERA Governance
Session Type: Governance Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201B
A People's Victory: Defeating Racist Anti–Critical Race Theory Legislation in One Red State
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201C
Dismantling the Color Lines of the 21st Century: Race and Racism in AI-Enabled Social and Virtual Spaces
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 201A
Intersectional Organizing, Solidarity-Building, and Educational Justice: A Town Hall Conversation With Scholars and Community Organizers
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB
Early Career Research Fellowship and Funding Opportunities
Sub Unit: AERA Research and Science Policy Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Examining the Experiences of Students With Disabilities Across Sectors: Discipline, Pedagogy, and Sense of Belonging (Table 1)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Motivation, Empathy, and Efficiency in Math and Science Education (Table 2)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Ethnic Studies Education: Teacher Pedagogy, Student Learning Experiences, and Institutionalization (Table 3)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Literacy Development: Technology, Home Environment, Learning Centers, and Interventions (Table 4)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Studies of Motivation in Education (Table 5)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Pedagogy, Multiliteracies, Prosocial Behavior, and Critical Thinking in Arts Education (Table 6)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Applications of Participartory Action Methods in Education Research: Literacy, Needs Assessment, Intergenerational Dynamics, and School Mental Health (Table 7)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Language Learner Educational Experiences: Listening Anxiety, Identity, Efficacy, Accessibility, and Investment (Table 8)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Examinations of Teaching and Learning From Pre-School to Graduate School (Table 9)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Teacher Development, Teaching Practice, and Student Conceptions in Social Studies Education (Table 10)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Centering Equity, Cultural Responsiveness, and Bias Awareness in Professional Learning (Table 11)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Barriers to Equitable Access: Broadband Connectivity, Tutoring Resources, and School Finance (Table 12)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Opportunities and Challenges for DEI in Education (Table 13)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Research on Culturally Competent Pedagogy and Culturally Competent Institutional Practices (Table 14)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC
Perspectives on Local, State, and National Policy Implementation (Table 15)
In Event: AERA Graduate Student Research-in-Progress Roundtable Session 2
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
Division D Graduate Student Committee In-Progress Research Gala Poster Session
In Event: Friday Poster Session 4:55
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Invited Poster Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall A
2024 AERA Undergraduate Fellows Research Poster Fair
In Event: Friday Poster Session 4:55
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Poster Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Educational Leadership and Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action
Sub Unit: Graduate Student Council
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon H
Graduate Student Council Division G Fireside Chat: Unraveling Tensions in Educational Policies: Book Banning, Curriculum, DEI, and Affirmative Action – A Call to Action
Sub Unit: Graduate Student Council
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
International Comparisons and Perspectives: A Look at Teachers and Leaders
Sub Unit: International Relations Committee
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103B
Pushing the Boundaries of Gender Equity Research
Sub Unit: Committee on Scholars and Advocates for Gender Equity in Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon B
Global Perspectives on Research and Evidence-Informed Policy Making: Purposes, Processes, and Possibilities
Sub Unit: International Aligned Associations / International Congress for School Effectiveness and School Improvement - ICSEI
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Parents and Partnerships: Critical Aspects of Equitable Leadership
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 4: School Contexts and Communities
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
“La Baila” Mentoring Frameworks for Advancing Latinas as School Leaders
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 5: Leadership Preparation Development
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 7:00pm
Notary, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Mezzanine 1
Division B Graduate Student Executive Leadership Team (Closed Meeting)
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Board Meeting
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115C
The Educational Possibilities of Truth-Telling: Dismantling Dominant Narratives of Race, Place, and Histories
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 2: Exploring Past, Present, and Future Curricular Questions
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
Learning and Teaching With AI
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
"Get Out": Disrupting Education via Space, Race, and Policy in the 20th Century
Sub Unit: Division F - History and Historiography
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
Humanizing and Mattering of Adolescents
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111A
Navigating Race and Place Beyond Black-White Binaries
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 1: Education and Place, Space, Time
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
Racelighting in PK–20 Education: Counter-Stories Across Contexts
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 5: Inquiry, Transformation, and Communities
Session Type: Demonstration/Performance
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
Voices of Disruption: (Co)Constructing Educational Possibilities Through Intersectional Collaborative Frameworks of Resistance and Imaginings
Sub Unit: Division G - Social Context of Education / Division G - Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110A
Examining Equity and Accountability Systems
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 4: Accountability in Schools
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Promoting Competence-Based Education: Landscape, Assessment, and Practices
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 3: Assessment in Schools
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A
Results of Programs and Practices to Promote Equitable Access and Learning Outcomes
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 2: Program Evaluation in Schools
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 4
Resurgence of Backlash to Redressing Pernicious and Persistent Inequities: Navigating Race, Class, and Systemic Equity-Driven Improvement
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon C
Validity Evidence Across Professions Education Settings
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Race and Place
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 3: Organization, Management, and Leadership
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103A
Understanding Latinx/e Students' Pathways to and Through Higher Education
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2a: College Student Access, Trajectories, and Transitions
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108B
Understanding the Role of Undermatching and Institutional Selectivity in College Choice
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2a: College Student Access, Trajectories, and Transitions
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Discussing the Implications of Culturally Competent and Responsive Teaching
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 09: Initial Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102AB
Educating While Racially Marginalized: The Teaching Profession as a Site for Care and Activism
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 04: Transformative Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104B
Expanding Theory on Teacher Noticing Through Collaborative Inquiry and Co-Design
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 05: Teacher & Teacher Educator Learning
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109A
On Listening to What Early Childhood Teachers Say: Reflections on Collaborative Inquiry, Community, and Care
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 08: Teachers’ Lives, Identities, and Journeys
Session Type: Working Group Roundtable
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Strengthening the Latinx Teacher Pipeline Through Residency and Research-Practice Partnerships
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 07: Clinical Practice and Community Engagement
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon A
Teacher Education and Racial Justice: Insights From Multiple Institution Types and Program Designs
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education / Division K - Section 06:Transformations in Teacher Education Policies, Research, and Practices
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Tenaciously Marginalized and Deliberately Silenced Histories of Teaching and Teacher Education
Sub Unit: Division K - Teaching and Teacher Education
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
Causal Evidence to Support the Development of an Equitable and Effective Teacher Workforce
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 6: Human Capital and School Finance
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115B
Moving Toward Just and Equitable Access to Computing Education
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
Toward Racial Justice in Education Policy: From Interrogating Thoughts and Actions to Organizing and Allyship
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics / Division L - Section 1: Governance, Politics, and Intergovernmental Relations
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
New Evidence in Career and Technical Education Policy
Sub Unit: SIG-Career and Technical Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Deconstructing Inequities and the Marginalization of Learners in Caribbean Educational Systems
Sub Unit: SIG-Caribbean and African Studies in Education
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
A Structured Approach for Testing Effectiveness of Educational Technology Products
Sub Unit: SIG-Design and Technology
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Imagining Antiracist and Neurodiversity-Affirming Educational Spaces: An Exploration of Neurodiversity in Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Disability Studies in Education
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
Understanding the Use and Impact of Public Funding in Early Childhood Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Equity and Educational Transformation in a Cross-National Perspective
Sub Unit: SIG-Educational Change
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Waterways and Pedagogical Entanglements: Teaching, Learning, and Relating to Water and Its Multiple Meanings
Sub Unit: SIG-Environmental Education
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
Practicing Cultural Humility and Transformative Listening in Dyads: Creating Educational Possibilities for Belonging and Equity
Sub Unit: SIG-Experiential Education and Community Engagement: Scholarship and Practice
Session Type: Demonstration/Performance
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
An AERA SIG Community of Practice: Collective Inquiry on Timely Issues Affecting Family-School-Community Stakeholders
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
A (Re)membering Renaissance: Black Sisterhood, Academia, and Possibilities
Sub Unit: SIG-Hip Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118B
Past, Present, and Futures: Intentional Dreaming With Early-Career Researchers About Museum Education and Research
Sub Unit: SIG-Informal Learning Environment Research
Session Type: Structured Poster Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 304
When I Feel Unwelcome Here: Racism and Racial Justice Advocacy for Asian International Scholars in U.S. Higher Education
Sub Unit: SIG-International Studies
Session Type: Workshop
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 2
10th Annual Language and Social Processes Mentoring Session
Sub Unit: SIG-Language and Social Processes
Session Type: Workshop
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Exploring How Identity and Epistemic Engagement Shape Learning
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Sciences
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 409
Sustaining an Ethic of Care: The Primacy of Teacher Relationship
Sub Unit: SIG-Lives of Teachers
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
Situated Expectancy-Value Theory and Undergraduate STEM Retention: Novel Approaches to Enduring Questions
Sub Unit: SIG-Motivation in Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
Interweaving Intersectional Biographical Vignettes Into Qualitative Research as Reflexivity Tools
Sub Unit: SIG-Qualitative Research
Session Type: Workshop
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Race, Religion, and Policy
Sub Unit: SIG-Religion and Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112A
Geometry, Spatial Reasoning, and Teaching "Big Ideas"
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Becoming Literate: The Science of Teaching Reading
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Reading and Literacy
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
Surveying the Landscape of Research on School-University Partnerships
Sub Unit: SIG-School, University, Community Collaborative Research
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
(Un)Learning Processes and Practices of Teacher Education: Lessons From the Global Pandemic
Sub Unit: SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
The Turbulence of Special Education Policy: Juvenile Detention, Funding Models, and Group-Centered Effects
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 403
Machine Learning Algorithms, New Modeling Approaches, and Simulation Methods to Understand Model Performance
Sub Unit: SIG-Structural Equation Modeling
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Systems Thinking Across Contexts and Levels
Sub Unit: SIG-Systems Thinking in Education
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
For Us, With Us, By Us: Research With Black Teachers by Black Teachers and Black Researchers
Sub Unit: SIG-Teacher as Researcher
Session Type: Workshop
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Students' and Instructors' Conceptions and Applications of Teaching and Learning Research Methods
Sub Unit: SIG-Teaching and Learning Research Methods
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 3
Teaching History SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Teaching History
Session Type: Business Meeting
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Immersive Learning: Simulation and Virtual Reality in Education
Sub Unit: SIG-Technology, Instruction, Cognition & Learning
Session Type: Paper Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302
Youth as Our "Present Already": Youth-Led Spaces at the Center of Advocacy, Research, Practice, and Design
Sub Unit: SIG-Writing and Literacies
Session Type: Symposium
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Unveiling the Complexity of Bilingual and Biliteracy Development: Quantitative Perspectives (Table 1)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
They Didn't Know We Were Seeds: An Exploration of School, Community, and Family Efforts to Raise Critical Consciousness (Table 2)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
To Be Black, International/Immigrant in Higher Education: A Critical Examination of Experiences, Scholarship, and Practices (Table 3)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Weaving Global and Local Perspectives Through Critical Peace Education (Table 4)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Peace Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Youth- and Community-Centered Research: Building Relationships for Empowerment and Racial Justice (Table 5)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Grassroots Community and Youth Organizing for Educational Justice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Role of Parents and Family in the K–12 and College Experience of Latina/o/x Students (Table 6)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Latina/o/x Research Issues
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Digital Tools and Platforms in Learning and Education (Table 7)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reflective Practices in Support of Student Learning in the Middle Grades (Table 8)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Middle-Level Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Developing and Navigating Identity in Multicultural Educational Contexts (Table 9)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research and Practice
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Stories on Sense of Belonging in Educational Relationships (Table 10)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Narrative Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Methods of Support for Online Learners (Table 11)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Online Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Reimagining Student Autonomy and Voice (Table 12)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Philosophical Studies in Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
#HBCUsMatter: Legacy Matters (Table 13)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Research Focus on Black Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent SIG Roundtable: Professional Learning and Talent Development (Table 14)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Rural Community Futures: Migration and Civil Life (Table 15)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Rural Education
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Race, Equity, and Language in Science Teaching and Learning (Table 16)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Science Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Historical Body, Multimodality, and Semiotic Perspectives (Table 17)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings and Multimodality
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School-Time Settings (Table 18)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Social and Emotional Learning
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Navigating Teacher Disclosure in Uncertain Times: Lessons From the Field (Table 19)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Promising Practices in Social Studies Teaching and Learning (Table 20)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Literacy Instruction Innovation in Special Education (Table 21)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Voice and Agency in Autism Research (Table 22)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Superintendent and Central Office Administrator Perspectives (Table 23)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration / Division A - Section 1: Leadership
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Taking on Empires of Whiteness: Antiracism in Theory and Practice (Table 24)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 3: Theories, Methodologies, and Philosophies of Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Redefining Pedagogy and Knowledge Production for Justice (Table 25)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division B - Curriculum Studies / Division B - Section 6: De/Colonization and Transformative Curriculum Studies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Putting English Language Learners First: Strategies to Bolster Literacy Acquisition (Table 26)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1a: Literacy
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Supporting Student Learning and Engagement in Mathematics (Table 27)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1c: Mathematics
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Integrating Computing Education and Professional Development (Table 28)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 1e: Engineering and Computer Science
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Parental Perspectives on Technology Use (Table 29)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Teaching and Learning With Virtual Reality (Table 30)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction / Division C - Section 3b: Technology-Based Environments
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Quantitative Approaches in Educational Research and Measurement (Table 31)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 1: Measurement and Research Methodologies
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Machine Learning, Statistical Software, and Data-Driven Analytics (Table 32)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 2: Quantitative Methods and Statistical Theory
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
New Directions in Critical Qualitative Inquiry (Table 33)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division D - Measurement and Research Methodologies / Division D - Section 3: Qualitative Research Methods
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Empowering Educators (Table 34)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools / Division H - Section 1: Applied Research in Schools
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Fostering Unity and Openness: Exploring Diversity Outcomes, Social Justice, and Experiential Learning in Higher Education (Table 35)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 1: College Student Learning and Development in College and Beyond
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Fostering Inclusive Engagement: Insights From Student Experience (Table 36)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 2c: Assessing College Student Success and Impact
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
STEM Faculty (Table 37)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
Power Vacuums: The Construction and Critique of Knowledge Production in the Academy (Table 38)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education / Division J - Section 6: Society, Culture, and Change
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B
AI and Virtual Mentoring (Table 39)
In Event: Friday Roundtable Session 4:55 pm
Sub Unit: SIG-Mentorship and Mentoring Practices
Session Type: Roundtable Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Michael A. Nutter Theater, Room 114
One Philly: How the City and the School District of Philadelphia Collaborate to Achieve Educational Success: A Conversation With Mayor Cherelle L. Parker and Superintendent Dr. Tony B. Watlington. Moderated by AERA President Dr. Tyrone Howard.
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
4:55 to 6:25pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 202AB
Researching the Reparations in Schools: Urban Youth as Researchers of School Quality
Sub Unit: AERA Presidential Session
Session Type: Invited Speaker Session
5:00 to 7:00pm
Science History Institute - 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, Lobby
AERA Science Teaching and Learning SIG Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Science Teaching and Learning
Session Type: Reception
5:00 to 7:00pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Independence Ballroom CD
Southern Methodist University Simmons School of Education and Human Development Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
5:00 to 7:00pm
City Winery Philadelphia, 990 Filbert St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Floor: Lobby Level, Private Space
University of Michigan Marsal Family School of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
5:00 to 7:00pm
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant - 1150 Market St. Philadelphia, PA 19107, Floor: Lobby Level, Private Space
Warner School of Education 2024 AERA Welcome Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:00 to 10:00pm
Ubuntu Gallery - 5423 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144, Floor: Lobby Level, Lobby
Black Educator's Arts Stroll
Sub Unit: SIG-Hip Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies
Session Type: Off-Site Visit
6:00 to 8:00pm
Le Meridien Philadelphia, Floor: First Floor, The Gallery
Boise State College of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:00 to 10:00pm
Drexel Kline Institute of Trial Advocacy Convention Center - 1200 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Floor: Lobby Level, Lobby
Drexel University School of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:00 to 8:00pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Freedom Ballroom EF
North Carolina State University College of Education Alumni Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:00 to 8:00pm
TIME Restaurant & Bar - 1315 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Floor: Lobby Level, Private Space
University of Southern California Rossier School of Education 2024 AERA Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:30 to 8:30pm
Notary, Floor: First Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon II
University of Maryland Alumni and Friends Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 1
Division A Business Meeting
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 4
Division H Movers and Shakers Reception
Sub Unit: Division H - Research, Evaluation and Assessment in Schools
Session Type: Reception
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 10
Division I Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: Division I - Education in the Professions
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon C
Division L - Educational Policies and Politics: Business Meeting
Sub Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 9
Advanced Studies on National Databases: Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Advanced Studies of National Databases
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 109B
Bilingual Education Research SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Bilingual Education Research
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 401
Bourdieu in Educational Research SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Bourdieu in Educational Research
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 304
Brain, Neurosciences, and Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Brain, Neurosciences and Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 302
Catholic Education SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Catholic Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 402
Classroom Management SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Classroom Management
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 303
Computer and Internet Applications in Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Computer and Internet Application in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113C
Radical Love and Possibilities: Reactivating Dreams, Building Community, and Educating for Racial Justice - Critical Educators for Social Justice SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Educators for Social Justice
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108B
The Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender in Education Business Meeting, Awards Ceremony and Reception Sponsored by The Center for the Study of Higher Education at The Pennsylvania State University
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 412
Critical Peace Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Peace Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 8
Cultivating Brave and Humanizing Spaces: Critically Examining Race, Equity, and Justice in Early Childhood Education: Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 413
Critical Posthuman and Postfoundational Studies in Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Posthuman and Postfoundational Studies in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 116
Critical Quantitative Methodologies SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Critical Quantitative Methodologies
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 112B
Cultural-Historical Research SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Cultural-Historical Research
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 305
Data-Driven Decision Making in Education Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Data-Driven Decision Making in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 5
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Intersectionalities and Perspectives SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Deaf and Hard of Hearing Intersectionalities and Perspectives
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 307
Dewey Studies SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Dewey Studies
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 102AB
Early Education and Child Development SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Early Education and Child Development
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon I
Educational Statisticians SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Educational Statisticians
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon J
Elliot Eisner SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Elliot Eisner
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B
Environmental Education SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Environmental Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A
Family, School, Community Partnerships SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Family, School, Community Partnerships
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 409
Fiscal Issues, Policy, and Education Finance SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Fiscal Issues, Policy and Education Finance
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 7
Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Across the Disciplines SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Graduate and Postdoctoral Education across the Disciplines
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 117
Hip-Hop Theories, Praxis, and Pedagogies Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Hip Hop Theories, Praxis & Pedagogies
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 415
Holistic Education Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Holistic Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 306
Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: Talking Story About the Educational Health and Well-Being of Indigenous Peoples Today
Sub Unit: SIG-Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 104A
Instructional Technology SIG and Design and Technology SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Instructional Technology
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 12
International Studies SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-International Studies
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 410
Large Scale Assessment SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Large-Scale Assessment
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 108A
Leadership for Social Justice SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Leadership for Social Justice
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 310
Learning Environment SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Learning Environments
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 105A
Lives of Teacher Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Lives of Teachers
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 115A
Middle-Level Education Research SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Middle-Level Education Research
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 403
Montessori Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Montessori Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 118A
Motivation in Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Motivation in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 411
Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research, and Practice 2024 SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Multicultural/Multiethnic Education: Theory, Research and Practice
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 110B
Multilevel Modeling SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Multilevel Modeling
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 11
Music Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Music Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 301
Philanthropy and Education SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Philanthropy and Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 103C
Research in Reading and Literacy SIG Business Meeting and Reception With Distinguished Scholar Address Offered by Dr. Patricia A. Edwards
Sub Unit: SIG-Research in Reading and Literacy
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon B
Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Giftedness, Creativity and Talent
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Room 404
Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Research on Learning and Instruction in Physical Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 13
There Is No Business Like S-STEP Business! Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon A
Social Studies Research SIG Business Meeting and Reception
Sub Unit: SIG-Social Studies Research
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon K
Stress, Coping, and Resilience SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Stress, Coping, and Resilience
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 111B
Structural Equation Modeling SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Structural Equation Modeling
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 3, Room 308
Survey Research in Education SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Survey Research in Education
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:15pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon L
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis SIG Business Meeting
Sub Unit: SIG-Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Session Type: Business Meeting
6:45 to 8:45pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Independence Ballroom AB
Teach For America Alumni and Friends Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:45 to 8:15pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Salon 4
University of North Dakota, College of Education and Human Development Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
6:45 to 8:15pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 400, Terrace Ballroom II
University of Texas at Austin College of Education 2024 AERA Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Le Meridien Philadelphia, Floor: Third Floor, Trumbauer Ballroom
California State University Colleges of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Masonic Library & Museum, 1 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Floor: Lobby Level, Lobby
Harvard Graduate School of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Freedom Ballroom GH
Indiana University School of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Rooftop Level, Horizons Rooftop Ballroom
National Taiwan Normal University Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 400, Terrace Ballroom I
University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education Reception
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
7:00 to 9:00pm
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown, Floor: Mezzanine Level, Philadelphia Ballroom North and South
University of California Reception (Santa Barbara, Davis, Irvine, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Cruz)
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
8:00 to 10:00pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Headhouse Tower Level 3, Independence Ballroom I-III
AERA Publications Closed Reception
Sub Unit: AERA Sessions
Session Type: Reception
8:00 to 10:00pm
Logan Hotel Philadelphia - One Logan Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103, Stenton Room
Stanford GSE AERA Reception 2024
Sub Unit: Affiliated Groups
Session Type: Reception
8:15 to 9:45pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 2
Division A, Division L, University Council for Educational Administration and SAGE Joint Reception
Sub Unit: Division A - Administration
Session Type: Reception
8:15 to 9:45pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 5, Salon D
Joint Reception: Classroom Management SIG; Brain, Neurosciences, and Education SIG; and Montessori SIG
Sub Unit: SIG-Classroom Management
Session Type: Reception
8:15 to 9:45pm
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, Floor: Level 4, Franklin 3
Joint Reception: Teaching History and Social Studies Research SIGs
Sub Unit: SIG-Teaching History
Session Type: Reception