Paper Summary

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Using Teacher Performance Assessment to Dismantle Injustice and Construct Possibilities in Teacher Education

Sun, April 14, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Exhibit Hall B


When their state removed the edTPA as a certification requirement, educators at a public institution embraced the opportunity to collaborate with faculty, school partners, and community members to develop a portfolio-based performance assessment that centers program values and goals along with state and professional standards. Assessment focused on the mission to create pathways to equitable, just futures through a critical approach to collaboration, persistence, care, and joy, and prioritized authentic relationships with students, families, teachers, schools, and communities to advance inclusive, culturally sustaining, evidence-based practices. This presentation shares the process of development, the product generated with faculty and community engagement, as well as the results of a content analysis of data collected during the first round of full implementation.
