Session Summary

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A Profession in Crisis? New Data on the Challenges of Recruitment and Retention of the Educator Workforce

Thu, April 11, 10:50am to 12:20pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113A

Session Type: Symposium


Schools and school districts across the country are being increasingly and alarmingly impacted by staffing shortages. Shortages refer to regularly having insufficient staff to cover classrooms, which can result from vacant or unfilled positions, teachers absent or on leave, and generally an insufficient numbers of substitute teachers or other staff to provide coverage when it is needed. While new data illustrate significant problems with perceptions of the teaching profession, the pipeline of teachers, and our ability to retain them, this panel examines different kinds of staffing problems using new national and state datasets to understand the severity and variation of staffing shortages across locales as well as how shortages and responses to shortages (e.g., 4-day workweeks) are impacting educators.

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