Session Summary

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Anchoring Assessments in Instruction: Lessons From States Implementing Instructionally Relevant Assessment Design Principles in Science

Thu, April 11, 4:20 to 5:50pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 107A

Session Type: Symposium


Statewide assessments have been misaligned to instruction since the adoption of No Child Left Behind. Educators, leaders, families, and partners continue to cite concerns that state assessments do not measure or incentivize the sophisticated disciplinary knowledge and practice that are associated with college, career, and civic readiness. State assessments drive instructional decisions in schools and districts, whether or not that is their intended purpose. This tends to narrow curricula, especially in schools that serve marginalized communities. Recognizing the power that state assessments hold, a collaborative is designing state assessments that center the instructional practices and content that support deeper learning and higher order thinking skills. This symposium will share design principles developed to support these instructionally relevant assessments.

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