Session Summary

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Transforming Schools for Student Thriving: Scaling the Community Schools Strategy

Sun, April 14, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 100, Room 113B

Session Type: Symposium


Community schools are a research-based improvement strategy where educators, community members, families, and students work in partnership to strengthen conditions for student learning and healthy development by organizing in- and out-of-school resources, supports, and opportunities.
The papers in this symposium show how national partnerships, states, and districts have enabled the scaling of community schools. This research symposium elevates the democratic and collaborative work of students, families, educators, and community partners in service of student thriving. We highlight, in particular, how states and districts can support communities in harnessing their power to create and sustain new educational possibilities. In this way, fully implemented community schools can help “counter systemic racism, increase opportunity, and move society toward equity and justice.”

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