Session Summary

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Reconciling Traditional Quantitative Methods With the Imperative for Equitable, Critical, and Ethical Research

Fri, April 12, 9:35 to 11:05am, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 203AB

Session Type: Invited Speaker Session


Quantitative research has contributed to sharpening color lines, promoting white supremacy, and essentializing groups as monolithic. This session confronts this history head on with conversations among scholars at the vanguard of transforming research paradigms (e.g., QuantCrit, Intersectionality) and moves the field forward in how scholars can design and implement research and measurement that improve upon customary quantitative methods. While mixed methods and qualitative paradigms are more immediately amenable to counter-narratives and critical methods, this session acknowledges that the need for quantitative data and analysis is not going away, but needs to be interrogated. The proposed session urges users to evolve their approaches as a way to foster racial equity in their methodological approaches.

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