Session Summary

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The 27th Conversations With Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black Education

Sat, April 13, 3:05 to 4:35pm, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Floor: Level 200, Room 204ABC

Session Type: Invited Roundtable


Initiated at the 1997 Annual Meeting in Chicago, the 2024 session of “The Continuation of Conversations with Senior Scholars on Advancing Research and Professional Development Related to Black Education” is now back in Chicago 27 years later. This will be number 27 in this popular and widely heralded series. (The COVID-19 pandemic caused the cancellation of the 2020 session). The 26th session was successfully held in April 2022 in Chicago.

We were granted Presidential Session status in1999 in Montreal—thus, the Chicago session will mark 25 years as a Presidential Session. We have some of the most notable education scholars in the country participating as topic discussion leaders. In 1997, we started with 12 tables and now we will have 21 tables for 2023. Over the years, we have averaged approximately 10-12 participants per table, not counting topic leaders. In the 2018 and 2019 meetings in San Antonio and Toronto, respectively, many estimated the participant numbers as in the 300 range. Even with the threat of COVID-19 still lingering, we had large numbers in San Diego and Chicago. We expect higher participation levels in Philadelphia.

As in past sessions, we will need enough room and tables for the expected number of participants. The number of participants per topic table varies and can range from 7 or 8 to up to 30 or more. Further, we continue to need enough chairs where participants can form large circles for popular topics. Notably, the rooms and accommodations in San Diego were wonderful.

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