Paper Summary

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Instructional Strategies and Student eTextbook Reading

Sun, April 24, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), Division Virtual Rooms, Division J - Section 4: Faculty, Curriculum, and Teaching Virtual Roundtable Session Room


Students’ reading is an essential part of learning in college courses. However, many instructors are concerned that students do not complete assigned readings, and several studies have found evidence to support this concern. To address student lack of reading, a handful of studies suggest adopting strategies to promote reading. This research examines various instructional strategies and student eTextbook reading validated by data. A total of 86 instructors from four public universities participated. Of 86 courses, student reading data from the 59 courses that instructors submitted the assigned reading pages were examined. The findings indicate that student reading in the courses that strategies were used was almost three times higher than the one in the courses that no strategies were implemented.
