Paper Summary

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Finding Self-Study in the South African Beerhalls of 1959: Using Photographs in Generative Self-Study Research

Sun, April 24, 9:45 to 11:15am PDT (9:45 to 11:15am PDT), SIG Virtual Rooms, SIG-Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices Virtual Roundtable Session Room


This paper illustrates that working with an artefact can assist self-study researchers in a process of conscientisation to identify parts of their socio-political subjectivities that remain largely under-researched, research these aspects of themselves in relation to their pedagogical practices, and transform these practices. This paper documents how a denotative and connotative analysis of a photograph opened for self-study aspects of my positioning as a White South African educator in higher education and led to the transformation of my pedagogical practices that were negatively impacting on Black African students. This paper extends a body of research that shows that cultural artefacts are important generative self-study research tools that can be used in the pursuit of social justice in higher education.
