Paper Summary

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A Group-Based Caregiver-Mediated Intervention Promoting Joint Engagement in Young Children With Social-Communication Difficulties

Fri, April 22, 11:30am to 1:00pm PDT (11:30am to 1:00pm PDT), San Diego Convention Center, Floor: Upper Level, Sails Pavillion


Toddlers and Families Together is a group-based caregiver-mediated intervention using naturalistic developmental behavioral strategies for families and their young children with social-communication difficulties, including children with, or at-risk for, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), that targets joint engagement within a context of everyday routines and activities through eight weekly 3-hour sessions. In a randomized controlled trial using mixed methods, results show that toddlers and families participating in the intervention (n=39) spent a significantly higher percentage of time in joint engagement during a videorecorded play session than those that did not participate in the intervention (n=22). These data are promising in showing preliminary efficacy and social validity data supporting this intervention format for promoting joint engagement in young children with social-communication difficulties.
