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122nd Annual Meeting of the
American Historical Association
Washington, D.C., January 3-6, 2008
Welcome to the AHA 2008 Annual Meeting On-line Submission site.

Purpose and Goals of the AHA Annual Meeting:

Since the first annual meeting in 1884, the gatherings of the American Historical Association (AHA) have provided an opportunity to detail new findings in the field, exchange information about the state of the profession, and enter the academic and professional job market. Through its annual meeting, the Association aspires to reflect the diversity of the historical profession and its means of communication.

The annual meeting should

* A. Advance historical research, teaching, and public historical practice by providing a forum for significant and innovative work by historians;

* B. Discuss, protect, and develop the professional needs, rights, and responsibilities of the entire community of historians, academic and public, by addressing the larger concerns of the discipline;

* C. Provide a vital opportunity to develop networks and foster communities in the discipline, both within and across fields.

For additional information visit the AHA Annual Meeting Site.
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