Session Submission Summary

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Cultures on the Road

Sun, December 18, 2:30 to 4:00pm, Sheraton Boston Back Bay Blrm A 2nd Floor (AV)

Session Submission Type: Lightning Session


Millions of Jews around the world experienced the 1880-1918 period as one of dramatic and often wrenching transformation. For several million Jews from the Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires, the heart of this process was unprecedented Jewish mass migration and associated forms of transit and urbanization. Bringing together scholars of the Jewish experience in Eastern Europe, the Ottoman Sephardi world, Latin America, the US, and Ottoman Palestine's New Yishuv, this panel considers anew how mass migration's dangers real and imagined, the new possibilities it opened, and the unexpected encounters and discoveries to which it suddenly exposed several million Jews inscribed themselves in Jewish culture across languages, genres, ideologies, ideals and forms of experience.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations