Annual Meeting App

The Annual Meeting App is now available. Preregistered meeting attendees have the ability to view the meeting locations of all program sessions and may also build their personal agenda through the App using the custom access code that is connected to your record. Preregistrants using the online program schedule can also view meeting room locations by logging in as well.

Please note: You must log in with your ASA ID and password to obtain the custom access code. (Log in).

  • The app will require a bit of connectivity to process updates. When updates are available, the sync arrows at the top of the dashboard screen will turn red.
  • For technical assistance, please feel free to contact

Convention Bulletin: Corrections that were received too late for the printed Final Program will be reflected in the online program schedule and the App. The online program schedule and App replace the paper copy of the Convention Bulletin handed out onsite at previous Annual Meetings.

"The Hub" Activities: The Hub at this year's Annual Meeting will feature an "Ask the ASA Webmaster" booth where ASA members can ask questions about the upcoming redesign of the ASA website.

Complimentary WiFi Access at the Meeting: ASA provides 40MBps basic bandwidth Wi-Fi in all ASA meeting rooms, both at the Hilton Chicago and the Palmer House Hilton. The WiFi access facilitates the full use of the online program schedule, the Annual Meeting App and the connections among attendees. Please Note: Requests for hard-wired Internet lines in session rooms for presentations will not be honored. For those of you considering streaming videos in your presentations, the bandwidth is sufficient to allow web browsing and email. However, streaming data on the network is not advisable.

In ASA sessions, some members of the audience may use twitter or other forms of social media to share the results of papers presented. In rare instances people will record sessions; if you prefer that audio recordings or video recordings not occur, please share your request with the audience. ASA encourages all program participants to be sensitive to the requests of others.

During the Annual Meeting, the ASA Press Office shares results from the meeting with the media. ASA encourages presenters to notify their university press offices to ask them to share sociological research results which they believe are newsworthy.