Requesting Audio Visual Equipment

The quality of any given material depends in part on how well the material itself is communicated. The Program Committee encourages all paper presenters to increase audience interest and participation by making creative use of visual aids.

ASA provides an LCD Projector (for powerpoint presentation) laptop/computer and screens as the standard setup for each paper session. This equipment is not provided for poster sessions or roundtable sessions. If you need to request following additional equipment for a paper session, please contact (

  • Audio (sound equipment for the LCD Projector)

  • Flipchart with Easel and Markers

Wireless Internet Access and Social Media during the Annual Meeting:

ASA provides complimentary basic bandwidth wireless internet access to meeting attendees in the session rooms during the Annual Meeting. For those of you considering incorporating videos into your presentations, keep in mind that the basic bandwidth is sufficient to allow web browsing, access to the Annual Meeting App information and email access. However, it will not support streaming data (including Skype and FaceTime). Requests for hard-wired Internet lines in session rooms for presentations will not be honored.

In ASA sessions, some members of the audience may use twitter or other forms of social media to share the results of papers presented. In rare instances people will record sessions; if you prefer that audio recordings or video recordings not occur, please share your request with the audience. ASA encourages all program participants to be sensitive to the requests of others.

During the Annual Meeting, the ASA Press Office shares results from the meeting with the media. ASA encourages presenters to notify their university press offices to ask them to share sociological research results which they believe are newsworthy.