
Participation Policies There are two policies affecting the type of listing and the number of times an individual may be listed on the program.

  • Only one sole-authorship is permitted per participant.
  • Individuals may be listed on no more than two sessions on the Program. This includes all types of participation except being listed as organizer of a session. A “participant” is anyone listed as an author, co-author, presider, discussant, panelist, critic, roundtable presenter, discussion leader, or any similar substantive role on the program. There is, however, a “professional service” exemption for workshop leaders and for representatives listed on informational poster sessions.
Program Policies The program policies listed below apply to all organizers, authors, panelists, presiders, discussants, and other session participants. Diversity. Much of the vitality of the ASA flows from its diverse membership. With this in mind, it is the policy of the ASA to include people of color, women, sociologists from small institutions or who work in government, business, and other applied settings, and international scholars in all of its programmatic activities and in the business of the Association. Membership. All sociologists and students of sociology who are listed on the Program as participants are encouraged to hold membership in ASA. All persons listed as “Session Organizer,” must be members of the ASA. Preregistration. All participants on the Annual Meeting program must pre-register for the meeting by May 13, 2015. A “participant” is anyone who is listed as a paper author or co-author or who serves as presider, discussant, panelist, critic, workshop leader, discussion leader, table presider, or any other type of presenter or coordinator on any program session. Only one registration and fee payment is required from a participant. Participant pre-registration fees are non-refundable. Sociologists who are not members of ASA must register at the Non-member rate. Special non-member rates are available for scholars outside the United States and persons from other disciplines. Please see the expense estimate for fee information. Exemption from participant pre-registration is only permitted to the following two cases. A non-sociologist who is invited to be a discussant on a paper session and who appears on the program only once may be exempted from paying the pre-registration fee. This exemption permits the individual to be listed on the program without registration fee payment; it does not provide a name badge nor a complimentary registration or program packet. In cases of multiple-authored papers, co-authors who will not be attending the Annual Meeting are not required to pre-register. However, the presenting co-author(s) must pre-register or the entire paper will be dropped from the program. Wireless Internet Access and Social Media during the Annual Meeting: ASA provides complimentary basic bandwidth wireless internet access to meeting attendees in the session rooms during the Annual Meeting. For those of you considering incorporating videos into your presentations, keep in mind that the basic bandwidth is sufficient to allow web browsing, access to the Annual Meeting App information and email access. However, it will not support streaming data (including Skype and FaceTime). In ASA sessions, some members of the audience may use twitter or other forms of social media to share the results of papers presented. In rare instances people will record sessions; if you prefer that audio recordings or video recordings not occur, please share your request with the audience. ASA encourages all program participants to be sensitive to the requests of others. During the Annual Meeting, the ASA Press Office shares results from the meeting with the media. ASA encourages presenters to notify their university press offices to ask them to share sociological research results which they believe are newsworthy.

Have additional questions about Annual Meeting policies/procedures? Contact ASA Meeting Services at (202) 383-9005 ext. 305 or by email (meetings@asanet.org), Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.