Individual Submission Summary

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Zombie Town: The Small City in the Global Space of Flows

Mon, August 24, 10:30am to 12:10pm, TBA


This is a highly visual paper that draws upon 1,819 photographs to systematically examine the built environment of the global node of High Point, North Carolina. To begin, I will take the reader into my first encounter with High Point in early 2002. Following this, we will tour the downtown thoroughly, exploring it as the uninitiated (as many thousands of business visitors do each year) and endeavoring to 'read' the built environment as a text. Using the semiotic tools drawn from other cities, I consider the messages the downtown conveys to High Point residents and those it conveys to its global visitors. As I do, I interrogate the notion of the downtown as a node in the space of global flows of capital, people, and ideas versus the downtown as a public square.
