Individual Submission Summary

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Conflicts Between Real and Ideal Self in People with Substance Abuse Disorders

Sun, August 23, 2:30 to 3:30pm, TBA


If persons whom are identified as substance abusers have different morals when using and abstaining from substances, then a Rational Choice perspective could assume that the using selves (real) and the abstaining selves (ideal) morals are competing. Using a previously established moral identity tool, persons admitted to local residential substance abuse treatment center were asked to rate both their using and abstaining selves. Residential treatment at this facility can last 21-28 days. The moral identity tool was administered in the first 7 days and the last 7 days treatment in order to determine if treatment had an effect. The findings showed that while treatment did not have a significant effect on moral perception, a significant difference was shown between using and abstaining selves. These findings suggest future treatment modalities concerning competing values may be interest.
