Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need to register for the Annual Meeting? All program participants are to register for the meeting.

  2. Who do I contact if I need to cancel my presentation or participation at the meeting? You will need to contact both the session organizer and ASA Meeting Services (

  3. Can I get a registration refund if I need to cancel my presentation? Refund requests must be submitted via email by July 10, 2018. Refunds will be issued, minus a 10% processing charge. Refund requests received after July 10, 2018 may not be granted.

  4. Who do I contact if I need to make a change or update the listing of my paper (title, affiliation, name, additional authors)? To request a change or update your submission please send the information to ( by June 1, 2018. The following information can be updated:
    • Title
    • Name
    • Affiliation
    • Authors (please include affiliation and email address if adding)
  5. Changes/updates received after June 1 will be included in the Online Program and the Annual Meeting App.
    After the Annual Meeting. You will receive an email from ASA which will include a link to upload your final paper. At that time, you will also have an opportunity to let ASA know if you would like your paper included in the Archives.

  6. How many times can I be listed on the Program? There are two policies affecting the type of listing and the number of times an individual may be listed on the program.
    • Only one sole-authorship is permitted per participant.

    • Individuals may be listed on no more than two sessions on the Program. This includes all types of participation except being listed as organizer of a session. A “participant” is anyone listed as an author, co-author, presider, discussant, panelist, critic, roundtable presenter, discussion leader, or any similar substantive role on the program. There is, however, a “professional service” exemption for workshop leaders and for representatives listed on informational poster sessions.

  7. Do I have to be a member of ASA to present my paper? All sociologists and students of sociology who are listed on the Program as participants are encouraged (but, not required) to hold membership in ASA. However, all persons listed as “Session Organizer,” must be members of the ASA.

  8. Will there be access to WiFi in the meeting rooms? ASA will also provide basic wireless internet access throughout the meeting space in the Pennsylvania Convention Center and the Philadelphia Marriott for both presenters and attendees. The bandwidth provided is sufficient for basic internet use including web access and email. Please refrain from streaming, downloading, or uploading large files. If you are incorporating media such as videos into your presentation, please download them to your laptop or tablet instead of streaming them online.

  9. Who do I contact if I need a letter of invitation? If you need a letter of invitation please fill out this form:

  10. Who do I contact if I need a letter of participation? Letters of participation are only given onsite at the Annual Meeting. You can stop by the ASA Information Desk to request a letter of participation.

Have additional questions about Annual Meeting policies/procedures?

Contact ASA Meeting Services at (202) 527-7871 or by email (, Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.