Session Submission Summary

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4152 - Religion and Contested Understandings of Social Justice (Cosponsored with the Association for the Sociology of Religion)

Tue, August 13, 8:30 to 10:10am, Sheraton New York, Floor: Second Floor, Empire Ballroom West

Session Submission Type: Invited Session


How do different religious traditions draw on their symbolic and ideological resources to define, advance, and pursue social justice in the world? Conversely, how do different movements who understand themselves to be working for social justice draw on religious traditions (or cultural and symbolic resources drawn from them) in order to frame, mobilize, and organize? This panel will explore these questions drawing on empirical work (ethnographic, interpretive, historical, and other) and theoretical frameworks (whether sociological or theological) to draw sharp parallels and distinctions between approaches to social justice, how the understandings behind them are contested, and how religious dynamics shape societal outcomes.

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Individual Presentations
